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Correction money/aide

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction money/aide
Message de eliseclerget posté le 05-02-2014 à 17:14:03 (S | E | F)
est-ce que vous pourriez me dire si ce texte vous parait correct ?
Merci pour votre aide.

contrary to the majority of the countries of the European Union, the UK didn't pass in Euro but still uses the pound as a national curency.
The pound sterling, called "livre sterling" in French, is the currency of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is used in Scotland and Northern Ireland, however, Republic of Ireland adopted the Euro.
this currency is simbolized by the sign £ (sterling) which is written before the amount and not after it : for example £7.50
its average valor in 2007 was the next : 1 pound = 1,27€ . The pound is a curency based on silver.
Originally, a pound corresponded efectively to a pound of silver, about 409 grammes of this metal. This currency, before used in Germany, France, Italy (called "livre") is nowadays the national currency of the UK, Liban, Turkey and Egypt.
The word "sterling" would come from old french ESTERLIN, which gave old english STIERE (signifying "strong, firm, unwavering" ) the name of pound sterling has been used since the XIII e century to design the money of King David 1st of Scotland and then the new english money of King Henry II Plantagenet

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-02-2014 23:13

Réponse: Correction money/aide de gerondif, postée le 05-02-2014 à 17:35:32 (S | E)
on retrouve une partie de votre texte chez wikipedia et le fait que vous gardiez "XIII e" au lieu de 'in the thirteenth century (13th century) ou Henry II au lieu de Henry the second ferait un peu penser à un usage du traducteur automatique.

Hello, est ce que vous pourriez me dire si ce texte vous parait correct ?

contrary to the majority of the countries of the European Union, the UK didn't pass in Euro but still uses the pound as a national curency.
The pound sterling, called "livre sterling" in French, is the currency of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is used in Scotland and Northern Ireland, however, the Republic of Ireland adopted the Euro.
this currency is simbolized by the sign £ (sterling) which is written before the amount and not after it : for example £7.50
its average valor(valor ou value? erreur typique de traducteur automatique) in 2007 was the next : 1 pound = 1,27€ . The pound is a curency based on silver.
Originally, a pound corresponded efectively to a pound of silver, about 409 grammes of this metal. This currency, before (mal placé)used in Germany, France, Italy (called "livre") is nowadays the national currency of the UK, Liban(Lebanon), Turkey and Egypt.
The word "sterling" would come (viendait? oui, mais en fait il vaudrait mieux dire apparently comes from, is said to come from)from old french ESTERLIN, which gave old english STIERE (signifying "strong, firm, unwavering" ) the name of pound sterling has been used since the XIII e century to design the money of King David 1st of Scotland and then the new english money of King Henry II Plantagenet


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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