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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


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Message de xxwinerxx posté le 10-03-2014 à 16:51:21 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
je suis nouveau sur le forum donc excusez-moi si je ne poste pas au bon endroit.
Mon professeur nous a donné un exercice qui est de rédiger un essai à propos de la phrase suivante:
"Is scientific progress necessarily synonymous with the improvement of human condition ?"
J'ai écrit quelque chose et j'aimerais connaitre votre impression.
Si vous avez le temps de regarder, merci beaucoup !

"Seventy years ago, the computer, a machine that would make life easier to six billion people was born. Few months ago, in France, the first completely artificial heart was implanted in a body of a man between life and death. In ten years, cars will be able to fly and we will be able to land on Mars.
The scientific breakthroughs never cease to amaze us and make us dream. Actually, it would be challenging to write a comprehensive list of all the miracles they worked in every aspect oh human life. Look at the nuclear technology as an example. That great energy is able to supply electricity for entire cities and it is less polluting than the other forms of energy.
Thanks to the major advances that made science in the field of medicine, we have now the incredible ability to create life artificially, which would have been unthinkable in another time. Those emerging technologies gave the immense joy for some couple to become parents. Moreover, a lot of people are saved thanks to new treatments such as cancers.
Finally, the modernisation of transports and agriculture had made possible to feed millions that in the not so distant past, would have been starving. We are also able to raise further and faster so that you can travel the world in a week times.
However, the world is neither all white nor all black and here, we can see flipside that we should be aware of. We are very close to a threshold that must be exceeded if we want to assure a happy future for the next generations.
First, Einstein himself has said he regretted the invention of nuclear technology. Perhaps, despite all its benefits, should we find a controversy to this destructive and tactful technology.
The progress to increase peoples's life expectancy are great but we have to e meaningful and do not develop euthanasia when we wish human live longer. Maybe should we just stop the research in the field of increase the duration of human life to prevent people to become a kind of vegetable. Maybe could we just learn to enjoy a maximum the life we already have.
At last, there are remains to the problems of pollution linked to transport innovations or concerns on health can lead Genetically Modified Crops that we are now trying to implement without knowing what are the side effects.
To conclude, it seems urgent to do something to calm our eagerness to progress and come together in a fight in order that the world “progress” does not become synonymous with the end of the humanity."

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-03-2014 22:11


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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