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Transcription/Venezuela unrest

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Transcription/Venezuela unrest
Message de moonlit-sunset posté le 14-03-2014 à 00:08:04 (S | E | F)

pouvez-vous m'aider à corriger les passages en bleu dans la transcription que j'ai tenté de faire de cette vidéo :
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Another day of rival marches in Caracas. The city was split in two : on one side there were the students who marched in favour of the government ; on the other side, those who opposed it. They blamed President Nicolas Maduro of high and bread shortages of basic items as well as in security. They also said the government has been clamping down on protesters.
“I am obligated by my constitutional responsibility to take special measures, which I will take to the epicenter of this attack with the fascists. I am obligated and nobody is going to bully me.”
Wednesday’s antigovernment march ended rude clashes between protesters and authorities.
But in Valencia, Venezuela’s third largest city, things were worse, three more people died in new clashes : a university student, a national guard captain and the third man was reportedly shot dead in separate incidents. Several more were wounded. The opposition blames the government pf backing armed civilians who attack protesters but the government accuses the opposition for the unrest. Wednesday’s death toll is the highest in a single day since protest started in Caracas on 12 February. At least 25 people have died so far.

Merci pour votre aide !

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-03-2014 06:56

Réponse: Transcription/Venezuela unrest de gerondif, postée le 14-03-2014 à 00:21:57 (S | E)
Another day of rival marches in Caracas. The city was split in two : on one side there were the students who marched in favour of the government ; on the other side, those who opposed it. They blamed President Nicolas Maduro of high inflation rates, shortages of basic items as well as insecurity. They also said the government has been clamping down on protesters.
“I am obligated by my constitutional responsibility to take special measures, which I will take to the epicenter of this attack by the fascists. I am obligated and nobody is going to bully me.”
Wednesday’s antigovernment march ended with clashes between protesters and authorities.
But in Valencia, Venezuela’s third largest city, things were worse, three more people died in new clashes : a university student, a national guard captain and the third man were reportedly shot dead in separate incidents. Several more were wounded. The opposition blames the government of backing armed civilians who attack(ed) protesters but the government accuses the opposition for the unrest. Wednesday’s death toll is the highest in a single day since protest(s) started in Caracas on the 12th of February. At least 25 people have died so far.

Réponse: Transcription/Venezuela unrest de moonlit-sunset, postée le 14-03-2014 à 22:16:53 (S | E)
Thank you very much !!


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