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Mythes et héros/oral

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Mythes et héros/oral
Message de tugbaydin posté le 31-03-2014 à 19:36:31 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
J'ai préparé mon texte pour l'oral, poueeiez-vous prendre le temps de me corriger s'il vous plaît ?
Merci d'avance

Introduction :
Heroes exist for several years. They date from mythology but doesn't really exist: it is usually the hero in the animated cartoon that exist for the kids, such as superman or batman. A myth is a legendary narrative which contains imaginary characters. It is legendary heroes, that are recognized for their extraordinary actions but who do not exist We qualify as hero a person who is brave and who makes courageous actions. But the heroes are as well fictitious as real: it is people who risk their lives in depends on theirs. For example it is the firefighters who save lives or people who fight in the name of freedom. Nowadays, everyone considers a person like his hero, who would like him, but that person is not really recognized as such by all ; each one are sometimes criticized. Can the resistance be considered as a way of heroism ?

Développement :
1/ Real heroes
Many characters marked in history have defended the rights and have long fought for equal rights. Some have criticized but then their actions have been recognized by all.
This is the case of Martin Luther King, which has long been denied but did not give up and continued to fight against discrimination against black people, which turned the success of its efforts. In his famous speech "I Have a Dream", he says he dreams of African-American will not be discriminated against and have the same rights as white people. He hopes that one day his children will not judged by their skin color.
At that time, restaurants, schools, places on the bus and even public toilets were separated by skin color. Rosa Parks resisted segregation. She was famous for refusing to sit at the back of a bus.

2/ Heroes do not exist
The heroes of films are not real heroes are certainly living beings who often play a key role in the movies. For example, the movie The Hunger Games is an imaginary story, which can not exist in reality. In real life, the hunger games can not exist. A hero is present in this film, she fights against all the world, even more powerful than she, and doesn't die.

Conclusion :
It is believed that the heroes do not exist in real life, they are only imaginary and are in the movies. People come here to prove otherwise by saying that heroes do exist. Each person sees someone like his hero, his inspiration, and respect. Resistance is also a form of heroism because later, although they have been criticized, Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King will be recognized and respected for their resistance.

Modifié par lucile83 le 31-03-2014 21:59


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