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Oral /Mythes et héros

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Oral /Mythes et héros
Message de carpediem9 posté le 06-04-2014 à 21:10:15 (S | E | F)
Bonsoir tout le monde,
désolé de vous déranger, mais voilà je passe mon oral bientôt et ce serait pour savoir si vous pouviez me corriger mes fautes s'il y en a ( je pense qu'il y en a plein).
Merci beaucoup pour vos réponses.

First of all, there is the great founding myths of the United States. As Thanksgiving that was originally a religious holiday for the first settlers arrived in New England , and then the Manifest Destiny which was an ideology according to which the American nation had to divine mission to spread democracy and civilization to the West. But also, the myth of the road which is to stay until today very important, because it is a opening on the unknown.
And then there are the heroes, their qualities are that they are brave, strong, and with a kindness. There are two broad categories the real heroes like Lewis and Clark. Indeed, from 1804 to 1806, they led an expedition to discover this newly acquired western territory. Lewis and Clark to go and make a report of the trees, plants and animals and to find a western passage towards the Pacific Ocean. Moreover, while 102 puritans land at Cape God, several have died because of the freezing cold. It is this that Samoset and Squanto helped to know various important things. Squanto and Samoset who was a useful aid to the Puritans.
Finally, we can cite Chief jospeh implies in the struggle of resistance against the encroachment of lands of his people by the American colonists. And on the other side the also fictional heroes such as Batman or Superman who represent the renewal. In effect, this is a vigilante who has capabilities outside the common as the super powers or gadgets. He always triumph over evil.
However, there are unsung heroes who are just as important for the story. For example present is related to the expedition of Lewis and Clark. Indeed, they were not alone. Lewis and clark were helped by a young indian girl called Sacagewea who was pregant. She allowed them to communication with the Indian and to negociate food.
To conclude, for me the hero only has value as that he is given. In fact, often the concept of dual identity among the heroes we allow for us to get away and we take a moment for the character. But I think that there should be more valuing the real heroes of the daily and who are fighting for peace, rather than the films with superheroes.

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-04-2014 21:11


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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