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Vivre à Détroit/aide

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Vivre à Détroit/aide
Message de kartereu posté le 07-04-2014 à 19:44:53 (S | E | F)
Je dois rendre un devoir maison type bac, mais après avoir terminé mon travail il me semble qu'il contient certaines fautes que je n'arrive pas à corriger.
Merci de me donner votre avis.

Le sujet est vivre à Détroit en 2070.

To live in Detroit in 2070
Today, I have finished my work at 9.30 pm. I have a very good job in a recent electric car factory. I have to work to this hour; it’s the work rule to make straight the economy since the end of the first 20 century quarter. It’s a success as now; we have achieved the city’s renewal, but it’s very difficult for a man to work 13 hours per day. As in the past, the population’s effort and the car industry gave the prestige back to the city.

Currently, all cars are electric and the half of the American car production is made in Detroit. As all the evening I go out of my flat to eat in a good restaurant of my district. My flat is at last floor of a giant glass building with LCD screens around the first floor. In the city, all the buildings have a garden for each inhabitant, in each floor. I love to see these greens and shining glass’s towers in my neighborhood. I jump in my car which is in my personal garage on the roof of my building and I take the out lift. In the street, I see lot of people who are taking the moving walkway which is the new invention of the city of Detroit.

All roads have their moving walkway instead traditional pavements. In the street there isn’t noise because new means of transports are more quit tan before. For example, the children’s use a flying board to go to school and the cars’ motors are electrics. I ask me how did the men who lived in the beginning of the 20 century when the air was polluted and the street abandoned and in ruins.

Modifié par lucile83 le 07-04-2014 21:32

Réponse: Vivre à Détroit/aide de klqsen, postée le 09-04-2014 à 21:14:52 (S | E)

Today, I have finished my work at 9.30 pm. I have a very good job in a recent electric car factory. I have to work at this hour; it’s the work rule to make straight the economy since the end of the first 20th century quarter. It’s a success as now; we have achieved the city’s renewal, but it’s very difficult for a man to work 13 hours per day. As in the past, the population’s effort and the car industry gave the prestige back to the city.

Currently, all cars are electric and the half of the American car production are made in Detroit. As all the evening I go out of my flat to eat in a good restaurant of my district. My flat is at last floor of a giant glass building with LCD screens around the first floor. In the city, all the buildings have a garden for each inhabitant, in each floor. I love to see these greens and shining glass’s towers in my neighborhood. I jump in my car which is in my personal garage on the roof of my building and I take the out lift. In the street, I see lot of people who are taking the moving walkway which is the new invention of the city of Detroit.

All roads have their moving walkway instead traditional pavements. In the street there isn’t noise because new means of transports are more quit than before. For example, the children’s use a flying board to go to school and the cars’ motors are electrics. I wonder how did the men who lived in the beginning of the 20th century when the air was polluted and the street abandoned and in ruins.

J'en ai peut-être oublié ou je me suis peut-être tromper à confirmer


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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