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Mythes et héros/ oral

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Mythes et héros/ oral
Message de xmanx posté le 11-04-2014 à 18:05:01 (S | E | F)
j'ai préparé ma synthèse sur les mythes et héros pour mon oral de BAC et j'aimerais savoir si j'ai fait des fautes et si possible me les indiquer...
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide !

To begin our analysis, I am going to give you the definition of both keywords of the notion: myths and hero, by beginning with the definition of myth. So, first, myths evoke the human condition in its entirety. They are the history of a nation and are first transmitted orally through stories of heroes, places or communities. They contribute to the formation of a sense of collective identity and their bear a universal character. A hero is a character who, in the face of danger displays courage and the will for self-sacrifice in order to read some greater good for his nation. Heroes might also be fictional. In that case, they embody the ideals of a society. Ex: comic superheroes who possess extraordinary powers dedicated to protecting the public. They live by a strong moral code and don’t except any reward. The most famous superheroes include Superman, Batman, and Spiderman… They dress in costume, they help the homeless and they fight crime in the cities. With these definitions, we can then ask the following question: in what measure can the myths and the heroes participate in the evasion of the spirit of a person? To answer this question, we’re going to see in a first part the myths and the heroes who, because of their actions, allowed becoming models. In a second time, we’re going to see that certain mythical places can, of their simple presence, to be attractive.

Firstly, we’re going to explain that certain people or certain concepts were able to become exemplary in the world because of their actions. For example, we can evoke the case of the 16th president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, who abolishes the slavery in 1863 and proclaims the freedom for all and the equality of all. Therefore, he released the black community of the submission master / slave and became a hero by his action which upset the society. Therefore, Lincoln was respected and still is respected by his condolence to the slaves and thus the people who have bad living conditions. In second example, we can take the myth of the American dream. The American dream is a myth which broadcasts the image of America where everything is possible for the one who gives himself the effort. So, many immigrants are attracted by the country because of its reputation, where they can succeed starting from scratch, and it participates in the dream of few people. It is also possible to speak about Walt Disney, who, because of his creations of cartoons, makes many children dream, who can assimilate or recognize themselves in fictitious characters in the cartoon-animated. They appreciate them often and sometimes want to become as them. (ex: a prince or a princess). However, certain places or certain characters, of their simple existence, can make people dream...

It is what we go to see in the second part. In the first place, we can speak about Mount Rushmore. Mount Rushmore is a mythical place. Indeed, it is an immense cliff in the Black Hills of South Dakota, famous for its 18 meters of sculptures of the heads of former US Presidents (w.j.r.l). It’s even called the United States presidential memorial and it attracts over two million people annually. Thus we notice totally that the population is sensitive to this place because tourists of the whole world come to contemplate it. It is also a developing image of the history of the United States. Then, it is important to speak about the statue Liberty because it’s also qualified as mythical place. Lady Liberty stands on Liberty Island at the mouth of Hudson river in new York harbor, to welcome all visitors and immigrants. Lady Liberty is a colossal woman, standing upright, wearing a robe and a seven point spiked crown symbolizing the seven seas. The inscription on its tablet commemorates the date of independence (july 4, 1776). Therefore, the statue of Liberty represents a mythical figure of the North American continent, which reminds moments of its history and which is in dominant position to greet every new visitor. The tourists appreciate it and this statue illustrates " the Freedom lighting the world ".

To conclude, we can say that a hero or a myth, even if it is fictional, real, or if it established spectacular things, contribute to the admiration of the people who attribute their interest. This is a good way to entertain than to identify with certain characters or visit certain places. Now the question is to know is that everyone can become a hero?

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-04-2014 19:05


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