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Bac/ Espaces et échanges (1)

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Bac/ Espaces et échanges
Message de inayagdrd posté le 13-04-2014 à 16:58:20

Voici ma seconde fiche pour mon oral d'anglais de mardi 15, elle était plus compliquée pour moi, j'ai l'impression de me répéter et de dire des choses pas très intéressantes ... Serait-il possible de la corriger s'il vous plait? et de me dire ce qui va ou non dans mes idées?
Je vous remercie d'avance !!

I. Introduction
So i’m going to present you the notion of « space and exchange ». First of all i’m going to give a definition. The notion of space and exchanges is a broad concept that relates to the movement from one place to another. All societies are somehow defined by the geographical and symbolic spaces they occupy and how they open up these spaces.The notion may include an exchange in the context of the holiday or professional business travel. But now i’m going to develop the case of the Latinos in the USA, to explicate what is fairtrade and his concept, and to finish i will speak about the new tendency which consist to quit our land to another after getting exams.

II. Presentation
To start i’m going to explicate the case of Latinos in the USA by focusing on the case of Cubans. Nowadays 2billions of cubans lives far away from Cuba, it represent approximatly 11% of the poblation. This incredible numbers is coming from the dictature which reign in the Island and that people leak since 1960. Furthermore the government put away in USA person who were in jail : they said « You want my citizen ? Ok i’m gonna give you »! A lot of Cuban-American are here for 2 or 3 generation now and it create some cultural problem. Truely when emigrate arrived on the american ground they didn’t spoke English, and because of the number of migrants they didn’t really learn it and it explain today why for exemple in Miami, in Florida there is 2official language. They didn’t really integrate. But their child who went to school, did. And as we seen on the text « Cubanita », point of view are differents. People who quit Cuba are waiting for coming back ans they expect their child too ! But for child their country, their land is USA they doesn’t want to go.

In complete opposition of exchange, we are going to talk about Fair Trade. This is an exchange system based on the objective of a better equity in the conventional trade. The purpose is to remunerate more the productor and banish middle man. Our day this sort of trade is more often in countries of South because it help to develop a lot of areas. Because they are poor, a little sum of money is going to help a lot ! For exemple it contribute to improve education, to improve acces to health, and also to improve work condition (more security, better tools ect). But this system isn’t so develop because price are higher and people aren’t so sensitize to it.

The last point i’m going to develop is the new social phenomenon which consist for young to quit their land for find a work because of the economic crise. Indeed, countries of North have best universities than countries of South. French exams are reconized all around the world. But a lot of young graduates doesn’t have work after their studies. Countries of South which are developing a lot, search a lot of skilled labor. As a result more and more young go away. And because of this increasing number, countries become multi-cultural. It modificate culture of the foster land. Is it always good ?or not ? This phenomenon ask a lot of questions…

III. Conclusion
We can conclude by saying that the notion of "Space and exchanges" is a very large notion which could countain better exchange than other. But in exchange between different space they are always a good side and a less well flip side

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-04-2014 18:36
Vous écrivez sur le forum, donc merci d'écrire I au lieu de i (je)

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-04-2014 21:55
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