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Oral/Mythes et héros

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Oral/Mythes et héros
Message de razav42 posté le 29-04-2014 à 11:58:23 (S | E | F)
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Myths are ancient stories that embodies a moral or values ​​generally played by heroes. They are for the mens a reference where to found the explanations some aspects of the world and society. As for heros, they provoke by us admiration by their exploits and an admirable behavior. However, they still Popular beliefs. So we can ask us if they have again a place in our contemporary world?

We discovered during the last month a painting by Jean Leone Gerome in honour of the native Americans Tribe and colonist. It illustrates how the native Americans helped The Pilgrim Father to survive. Infact, the mythe of Thanksgiving explains that they thanked God to helped them in these difficulties. As a matter of fact, The Pilgrim Father were not familiar with their new environement and had to face a hard winter. Thanks to this mythe celebrate today 91% Americans , every last Thursday of November with their family this day.

Uncle sam is a character who appeared often as a hero in comics. He is presented as the personification of the United States and fight for freedom. Besides, we worked on a cartoon published in the Indianapolis Star which depicts him crushed by a ''House for sale : Price reduced'', a real estate sign. It illustrates the effect the collapse of the housing market. It clear that Uncle Sam has been knocked out and it's going to take him some time to recover.

Through these two examples we understand that myths are still present in our societies. Some of them are always celebrated as the example that Thanksgiving which became a real national holiday. And others are re-updated to our new epoch as reflected in the caricature. Commemorate or criticize they remain a reference.

The space is a place which occupied volume which can be for a particular purpose. The exchange is the act of giving each other things. These concepts are very abstaites and take more sense in specific contexts.

For example, we discovered during the last month a painting by Jean Leone Gerome in honour of the native Americans Tribe and colonist. It illustrates how the native Americans had them became. They helped them to survive. Infact, the Pilgrim Father were not familiar with their new environement. They introce them to corn, squash, pumpkin, cranberry and sweet potatoes. After their celebrated the Friendship and brother hood between the two communitie. It was a real cultural exchange which took shape in the Promised Land and gave birth to the National Day of Thanksgiving.

The men appropriate the space and adapt it to their lifestyle. It appears that cultural exchange influenced people in their development.

But sometimes some space sare a source of conflict. We studied the current the last month, the situation of Arizona. The flow of immigrant is a source of constant controversy. A lot of Latinos search better prospect and opportunities. So, they cross the border illegally and hope that they can improve their lives. There is free movement of capital between Mexico and the United States permitted under NAFTA. But flow humans are highly controlled.

Space is therefore subject to the development of men allowing it to benefit from attractive. Internal exchanges are encouraged or repressed or unbalanced as evidenced by the example of the border between Mexico and the United States. Today is mostly the globalization which shapes these spaces and these exchanges.

Modifié par lucile83 le 29-04-2014 12:11


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