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Oral/Idea of progress

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Oral/Idea of progress
Message de mimiblob posté le 01-05-2014 à 11:39:26 (S | E | F)

Voici un script de mon oral que je passe d'ici peu. Je pense avoir fait quelques fautes et me demandais si quelqu'un pourrait m'indiquer mes erreurs, s'il vous plaît ?

Let’s talk about the notion of idea of progress and particularly progress in the field of science and biology. To begin with, I’d like to state the definition of progress. The idea of progress means an improvement of society or civilisation. There are many fields of progress, for example : in science (medicine), in technology, in everyday life, in politics (rights).
The problematic of the notion is : Progress always a progress ?
In a first part, we are going to weigh the positives aspects of progress in science. Then, in a second part, we are going to weigh the negatives aspects of progress in science.

Firstly, I watched video Healthwatch where I saw 2 aspects of progress with PGD (Pré-implantation Genetics Diagnosis) which consists in creating embryos in a lab by fertilizing a woman’s eggs with sperm. In the past PGD was used to screen diseases and eliminate them whereas today, it is used to select the biomarkers/the traits of the prospective baby. For example, hair and eye color or gender according to what the future parents want/wish. This video involves 2 doctors : Dr Jeff Steinberg and Dr Arthur Caplan. The first one who’s director of a fertility clinic in California is agrees, he strongly supports PGD but is not the opinion of the second doctor. We see his point of view concerning this technique in the second part. Then, I studied “Design your baby”. This document it is composed of two texts. The first, speaks about PGD (Pre-implantation Genetics Diagnosis). A geneticist speaks with a future parent who wants an ideal baby, with particular physical traits and no disease. The geneticist puts forward the positive aspect of this technique, like predict certain genetic diseases and ensure the chosen embryo is healthy : there are medical objectives. The second text, speak about Molly. She is a teenager who was born with a rare disease. Normally, Molly was destined to die before the age of 7 but in 2000, his brother Adam cured Molly thanks to a transplant. So this text shows a positive aspect of progress. It’s an innovative scientific progress.

However, scientific progress can be negative like in video Healthwatch. The second doctor (Arthur Caplan) who’s the director of a bioethics institute in Philadelphia is against PGD. Elsewhere he puts forward 3 arguments against PGD :
- 1st : only the rich can afford this technique
- 2nd : hair and eye colour are cultural and subjective
- 3rd : it’s a cash business
So, PGD have negative aspect. Moreover, I studied the document “Science Babies”. It’s a science fiction novel published in 1932 and written by Aldow Huxley. The story takes place in a futuristic world where the fate of each human being is decided before the “birth”. Babies do not have parents. They are born in artificial matrices/incubators where there are inoculated all that is necessary for it’s function.

In conclusion, I’d say progress is neither all good or all bad. Indeed, there are drawbacks like the fact of create inequalities between the citizens or cause complication and advantages because PGD cure diseases and increase the life expectancy.

Merci d'avance,

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-05-2014 14:41

Réponse: Oral/Idea of progress de pseudoinventif, postée le 01-05-2014 à 12:11:36 (S | E)
bonjour. un jour férié, je vais travailler sur ta production, depuis mon niveau bac +1.
CE que tu as fait me semble bien. Ton anglais n'est pas calqué sur le français, et cela se laisse apprécier. Attention cependant à deux choses:
- le "nous" de majesté est typiquement français. Il n'a pas lieu d'être pour l'anglais, qui utilise "I". toujours.
- A text IS about, mais ne jamais SPeak about ou talk about. faire parler un texte est encore un truc français.

Let’s TALK ABOUTt idea of progress (éviter les trops longues phrases introductives, l'anglais va "droit au but") and particularly progress in the field of science and biology. To begin with, I’d like to state the definition of progress. It means an improvement of society or civilisation. There are many fields of progress, for example : in science (medicine), in technology, in everyday life, in politics (rights).
The problematic of the notion is : IS Progress always a progress ?
TO BEGIN WITH, I AM going to weigh the positives aspects of progress in science. Then in a second part, I AM going to weigh the negatives aspects of progress in science.

Firstly, I watched video Healthwatch where I saw 2 aspects of progress with PGD (Pré-implantation Genetics Diagnosis) which consists in creating embryos in a lab by fertilizing a woman’s eggs with sperm. In the past PGD was used to screen diseases and eliminate them whereas today, it is used to select the biomarkers/the traits of the prospective baby. For example, hair and eye color or gender according to what the future parents wish (for). This video involves 2 doctors : Dr Jeff Steinberg and Dr Arthur Caplan. The first one who’s director of a fertility clinic in California is agrees, strongly supports PGD but is not the opinion of the second doctor. HIS POINT OF VIEW ON THIS TECHNIQUE CAN BE SEEN (pour supprimer le "We see") in the second part. Then, I studied “Design your baby”. This document it is composed of two texts. The first, IS about PGD (Pre-implantation Genetics Diagnosis). A geneticist speaks with a future parent who wants an ideal baby, with particular physical traits and no disease. The geneticist puts forward the positive aspect of this technique, like predict certain genetic diseases and ensure the chosen embryo is healthy : there are medical objectives. The second text, speak about Molly. She is a teenager who was born with a rare disease. Normally, Molly was destined to die before the age of 7 but in 2000, his brother Adam cured Molly thanks to a transplant. So this text shows a positive aspect of progress. It’s an innovative scientific progress.

However, scientific progress can be negative like in video Healthwatch. The second doctor (Arthur Caplan) who’s the director of a bioethics institute in Philadelphia is against PGD. Elsewhere he puts forward 3 arguments against PGD :
- 1st : only the rich can afford this technique
- 2nd : hair and eye colour are cultural and subjective
- 3rd : it’s a cash business
So, PGD have negative aspect. Moreover, I studied the document “Science Babies”. It’s a science fiction novel published in 1932 and written by Aldow Huxley. The story takes place in a futuristic world where the fate of each human being is decided before the “birth”. Babies do not have parents. They are born in artificial matrices/incubators where there are inoculated all that is necessary for it’s function.

In conclusion, I’d say progress is neither all good or all bad. Indeed, there are drawbacks like the fact of create inequalities between the citizens or cause complication and advantages because PGD cure diseases and increase the life expectancy.

voilà, je n'ai pas tout lu dans le détail mais je pense que tu as comris le principe. Du reste tu peux dormir tranquille, ton oral va bien se passer.
Bonne journée!

Réponse: Oral/Idea of progress de mimiblob, postée le 02-05-2014 à 13:50:19 (S | E)

Je tiens à te remercier tout particulièrement pseudoinventif ! Ce que tu m'as dit est très intéressant, cela pourra me servir pour mon oral mais aussi pour mon anglais dans la vie quotidienne. Et tu me rassures énormément ! C'est génial de voir qu'il existe encore des gens aussi gentils ! Encore merci


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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