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Oral /Spaces and Exchanges
Message de togoto posté le 01-05-2014 à 13:31:00 (S | E | F)
J'ai longuement travaillé sur mon texte de synthèse pour l'oral du Bac...xxx
Quelqu'un pourrait-il relire ma prose et éventuellement corriger les fautes ? Merci beaucoup !! [Oui, mon texte est long et sera raccourci]

Since 1600, more than 60 million people have come in the United States. In this way, immigration is omnipresent in America. This concept has evolved with time but this strong immigration has always been allow by a positive vision of the USA in the others contries. Today the face of America is formed by the immigrants ; they shaped the US.
Wa can wonder what are the different aspects of immigration in the USA and how did it shaped America ?
We will speak about the origins and the different waves of immigration, then we will study the actual consequences of that.

America is since 1600 a place where people have the hope of a new life. That’s why immigration is omnipresent ; the foreigns want to leave their government or want to manage to get out of a difficult situation. Moreover the American Dream is an idea, whiwh supports that we can succeed in the USA if we work hard ; we can easily understand why America is very attractive for the foreigns. At last we can say that America suggests 5 types of freedom : freedom to workship (for the religious freedom), freedom to create, freedom from oppression (which offer a haven for dissidents), freedom from fear (America becomes a safe asylum for people who have no choice to escape America), and freedom from want (against poverty). America is therefore interesting for all types of people and can have a solution to each necessity. We studied a lot of testimony of immigrants, who spoke about their motivations to emigrate in America ; for examples, Fang Yi Sheu went to NYC because of poverty, and Farah Naficy come because of the political situation in her country.

So immigration can be interesting for everybody, but during the XXth century, a few immigration laws caused a few important waves of immigration. Between 1921 ans 1956 has this immigration slowed down, but it repeals in 1965 marked a radical change in the immigration policy. The immigrants have always had different origins, and this is very important for the diversity in America. But the travel has been horrible during a long time ; the majority of immigrants landed in NYC, at America’s busiest port, and special ferryboats carried them to Ellis Island. This place was terrible and they were treated like animals ; they were examinated by doctors, who looked for physical or mental problems, and were questioned to know who they were ; they were marked like cattle. Luckly today the frontiers are more strict but the conditions are better for these immigrants. So the immigration is omnipresent and has important consequences in America.

Indeed the American Dream evolved with time and with the context ; today this concept is a mentality for Americans. It is an important « can-do » spirit, and is optimisum : we can succeed if we believe in this American Dream. If we are motivated ans work to be socially and economically integrated, we can succeed ; we don’t especially need money and skills, and that’s the beauty of America ! This idea is still alive ans continue to attract lots of people in the entire world.
Since 1600 ans thanks to the immigration, America is today a multicultural America ! The immigrants develop and create institutions to live ; that is the case of a vietnamin community, who succeed in the nail business. We can also speak about the New-York population, whiwh is composed of Irish, Italian, Chinese, Europeans, etc… All this people shaped America and his face today. A cover of a special issue of the Americal magazine Times represent this idea ; a virtual woman embodies the American « melting pot ».

In conclusion we can say that the immigration has always been important since 1600 and it shaped America. The American Dream is still alive and continues to attract lots of people in America.
It could be intersting to considere the future : how will the America of tomorrow be and how will immigration evolve ?

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-05-2014 14:44


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