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MET in NYC/aide

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MET in NYC/aide
Message de unpetitpoisson posté le 03-05-2014 à 11:44:42 (S | E | F)
Je prépare une rédaction sur le Metropolitan Museum of Art en classe de 3e et j'aimerais avoir un avis sur ce que qui suit, pour éventuellement y apporter des corrections, me donner des conseils(syntaxe, fluidité, mots de liaison..)...
Je vous remercie d'avance !

The Metropolitan Museum of Art also informally called the MET is the largest art museum in the United States and has more than 260 rooms, located in N.Y.C on the border of Central Park, in the 5th Avenue and 82nd street.

Its collections include two millions works of art, from prehistory to the present day in galleries visited by over 5 millions people every year.

The MET was founded in 1870 by a group of businessmen and artists who wanted to open a museum to bring art to the the american poeple and encourage them to developping their culture.
That's the reason why today, the mission of he MET is to collect , preserve and study for advance knowledge.

As for its permanent collection, its is exhibited in 17 different rooms, otherwise known as " period room", each representing a period or a particular theme such as European paintings on the first floor -include works by Monet, Van Gogh, Degas or Vermeer-.
On the second floor, there is photograpy and sculpure galleries, musical instruments, costume and accessories, antic weapons from around the world.

Moreover visitors can have a break in the roof garden Cafee while watching the beautiful views of the garden or in the Uris Center, which is a very big library. On Friday and Saturday night, music is played on the great Hall Balcony Bar.

Any vistitors to the Big Apple should spent at least a couple of hours at this vast and beautiful museum.

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-05-2014 12:45

Réponse: MET in NYC/aide de here4u, postée le 03-05-2014 à 13:19:46 (S | E)
hello petit poisson

it's me again ! (3rd try ...)

The Metropolitan Museum of Art also informally called the MET is the largest art museum in the United States and has more than 260 rooms, located in N.Y.C on the border of Central Park, in the 5th Avenue and 82nd street.

Its collections include two millions works of art, from prehistory to the present day in galleries visited by over 5 millions people every year.

The MET was founded in 1870 by a group of businessmen and artists who wanted to open a museum to bring art to the the american poeple and encourage them to developping their culture.
That's the reason why today, the mission of Xhe MET is to collect , preserve and study for advanceX knowledge.???? This is not clear at all ...(si c'est 'pour faire avancer' ...; = à revoir)

As for its permanent collection, its is exhibited in 17 different rooms, otherwise known as " period roomS", each representing a period or a particular theme such as 'European paintings' on the first floor -include works by Monet, Van Gogh, Degas or Vermeer-.
On the second floor, there is photograpy and sculpure galleries, musical instruments, costumeX?? and accessories, antic(are you sure you don't mean 'antique' ... both exist and have different meanings) weapons from around the world.

Moreover visitors can have a break in the roof garden Cafee while watching the beautiful views of the garden or in the Uris Center, which is a very big library. On Friday and Saturday nightS, music is played on the great Hall Balcony Bar.

Any vistitors to the Big Apple should spent at least a couple of hours at this vast and beautiful museum.
Hope it is understandable ...and it will help you.
bleu = erreur
X= élément manquant
vert = suggestion

Réponse: MET in NYC/aide de unpetitpoisson, postée le 03-05-2014 à 16:52:38 (S | E)
Thank you very much here4u!!!


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