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Oral/ Lieux et formes pouvoir
Message de todo2012 posté le 06-05-2014 à 14:54:47 (S | E | F)
je recherche de l'aide pour la correction de ma synthèse car les épreuves orales arrivent bientôt;tous vos conseils sont les bienvenus !
Merci pour vos réponses.

To introduce the notion « Locations and forms of power » i would like to define the power. The power is the ability to exercise authority, is also strenght or force exerted of being exerted. Futhermore the power it’s a personn a group or a nation who having great influence over others. When we studied this notion we linked the power to the admission in university thanks to this issue : « Whats selection for higher education ? »
In the first place we will see that the university shortlist the students on account of tuiton fees, in the second place we will see the skills taken account for college admission, to finish we focus on the personnal developpement allowed by the education.
Firstly we will see that the university shortlist the students on account of tuiton fees. In fact in 2010, the governement raised the tuiton fees, that’s why the members of the youth parlement debated the issue of tuiton fees in london. Some are against the rise of tuiton fees , to them being graduate enable to have a weel-payed job, interesting and to meet different social backgrounds. But all students dont have the same means so tuiton fees extend the gap between their. By contrast some are for the rise of tuiton fees beacause students must make an effort if they want to study in good conditions. Otherwise, the quality of higher education will decrease and the degree will have a less value.
We could see that tuiton fees divide opinions but they are a real issue because they prevent students to have acces to higher education. Even so ,to finance their studies, students can make the same thing that the exemple of christal a students who received few scolar ship, the help from her parents and she makes a series of job during her studies. Finally she succesfully pay back her college loans.
Secondly, we will study the skills taken into account for college admision throught the document « it’s about academics, coach ». In fact in this text jojo was a basketball star and he could have gone to college on athletic scolar ship but it’s not enough, the university expects more from him. Athletics are very important in higher education but they also must have great intellectual skills so to be accepted you must have two qualities, the knowledge and the money.
Thirdly, I am going to focus on the capicity of university to change students. In university students can developp their skills as they can buid their personnality. Also they meet new pepople with different styles ans ideas sot hey can cogitate about they like or not. They enrich their culture. With the text « What matter with that kid », we can notice the evolution of a student. When he left from college, he totally changes. He had grown his hair, perched a pair of granny glasses on his nose, he wears different closes.. Etc So we can see that the college transform the students and built their personality on the contact of other students.

To concluded we can understand that the university it’s a seat of power, an elite granted by knowledge and by money, we can also find the power into the university education as a means of individual construction. However the university makes benefit form bein more reachable.

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-05-2014 18:56


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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