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Oral /le progrès

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Oral /le progrès
Message de ysseim posté le 07-05-2014 à 18:07:52 (S | E | F)
je suis en Terminale S et je passe dans quelques jours mon oral d'anglais. Est-ce que vous pourriez corriger mes fautes ? Merci d'avance

The notion I'm going to deal with is "Progress". It's composed of lots of differents aspects and I would like to answer the question :
Has progress always good consequences ?
First of all, I will present the notion of progress. Then, I will speak about some categories of progress with their advantages and drawbacks.

What does "progress" mean ? It consists in believing that the human condition can improve thanks to science, technology, social organization...It's not an evident concept because it's quite difficult to know what the progress really is.

Of course it's easy to speak about many cases of improvement in science. For example, our health is improving thanks to medicines and medical treatments, vaccinations...therefore we live longer. But there are many controversies. We can think to the genetic procedure called PGD. On the one hand it's a technique which can be very helpful when it's used to detect genetic diseases. But on the other hand, when it's used to create the baby that the parents imagine, like the color of the eyes or the color of the hair, is it good ethics ? There is a second similar controversy with a diseased girl called Molly Nash. Scientists have selected a brother for her with PGD, to save her life with his blood. But how can the new child live if he knows that he was born to be used ?

An other category of progress we could critizise is the technology. We must admit that there are many benefits : first and foremost it's more speed and cost effective than humans. Moreover it permits a greater accuracy in surgical operations with robots. It permits a easier acces to information too with computers and the Internet. And we can think to very other usefull technologies in the future : cars whitout drivers (we will have maybe less road accidents), robots will do what the disabled person thinks, like moving a wheelchair...But electronic technology can be an hindrance too : it's often very expensive,there is a problem of security and confidentiality in using computers: it can be dangerous to give your name or adress on the Internet. As well people become more isolated because they spend lot of time in surfing on the net. So once more, we can see that progress has not always good consequences.

The last type of progress I would like to touch on is human rights. This could include the abolition of slavery and the right to vote for women. Many people fight for equal rights between people. But it may be opposed by others who believe in traditions and don't consider that is a real progress. For example lots of people demonstred against the gay marriage because it doesn't represent the traditional family.

To conclude I could say that progress is an improvment for most of us. But we can be afraid of it and it may be questionned by people who worry about ethical values, and about social consequences.

Modifié par lucile83 le 08-05-2014 16:22


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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