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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction /présentation
Message de totodu58 posté le 02-06-2014 à 18:30:22 (S | E | F)
je me permets de poster sur un forum parce que j'ai une présentation et je voulais savoir s'il y avait des fautes ou non

"During the three year where I had DNL ( Mathematics in English)
I discovered a lot of things, some of them more interesting than others but in generalities It was a very good experience:
- first the videos we have seen on the first year in hight school : some of them were using by our teacher in order to taught us how to calculate angles.
for example i can't forget this video with mickey and a pool table

- then an other wonderful experience was the trip in England. We were in a host family and we've discovered a lot of things like their lifestyle and their cook. We took also some English lessons. the things I can't forget is when we take the boat and saw a lot of buildings.

And the most incredible trip I made that I won't be able to forget is the trip in New Zealand : there were incredible landscape, the weather was also very cool and the family was very kind. For example my family made me discover the filming site of the Lord of the Ring : the Hobbitown !!"

Merci pour vos réponses.

Modifié par lucile83 le 02-06-2014 19:17

Réponse: Correction /présentation de rantanplan42, postée le 04-06-2014 à 16:29:53 (S | E)

Correction :
1) en bleu : à écrire en majuscule
2) en rose : les autres corrections

"During the three years where I had DNL ( Mathematics in English)
I discovered a lot of things, some of them more interesting than others but generally speaking(=en général) It was a very good experience:
First the videos we saw (preterit) on the first year in High School : some of them were used (participe passé) by our teacher in order to teach (forme infinitive) us how to calculate angles.
For example I can't forget this video with Mickey Mouse and a pool table

Then an other wonderful experience was the trip to (préposition indiquant un déplacement) England. We were in a host family and we discovered (preterit) a lot of things like their lifestyle and their way of cooking. We took also some English lessons. The thing I can't forget is when we took (preterit) the boat and saw a lot of buildings.

And the most incredible trip I made that I won't be able to forget is the trip to New Zealand : there were incredible landscapes, the weather was also very nice (au top?) and the family was very kind. For example my family made me discover the filming site of the Lord of the Ring : the Hobbitown !!"(Hobbitown : orthographe à vérifier)


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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