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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de eliseclerget posté le 09-10-2014 à 21:40:11 (S | E | F)
Hello, could you correct this text and tell me every mistake I made please ?
Thank you for any reply.

Declaration of Independance of America:
- WE, the inhabitants of the 13 colonies of Great Britain are solemnly asking King Goerge III to give us our independence for the following reasons :
- Ae are all men and women and so we have the same rights as everybody on earth : being free and egual since our birth.
- furthermore, our land is America, it is the land of our ancestors and we own this land. It's not a British possession !!!
- Moreover the King of England is an usurper who oredered us intolerable laws and taxes, it can't be possible anymore. First, George III taxed us to pay a war against French. He then forbade us to settle West from the Appalachain Mountains. After that, he set taxes on tea and paper. He refused to give us a vote at the Parliament even after many rebellions like the Boston Massacre or the Boston Tea Party. What's more, he forced us to quarter Red Coats in our homes. That's intolerable !!! We cannot accept that anymore!
That is why we are claiming today our independence !

Modifié par lucile83 le 09-10-2014 22:01

Réponse: Indépendance/aide de tdu6300, postée le 10-10-2014 à 10:46:54 (S | E)

Declaration of Independence of America:
- WE, the inhabitants of the 13 colonies of Great Britain are solemnly asking King Goerge III to give us our independence for the following reasons :
- Ae (Orthographe) are all men and women and so we have the same rights as everybody on earth : being free and egual (Orthographe) since our birth.
- furthermore, our land is America, it is the land of our ancestors and we own this land. It's not a British possession !!! (remove space)
- Moreover the King of England is an usurper who oredered (Orthographe) us intolerable laws and taxes, it can't be possible anymore. First, George III taxed us to pay (mot manquant) a war against French. He then forbade us to settle West from the Appalachain (Orthographe) Mountains. After that, he set taxes on tea and paper. He refused to give us a vote at the Parliament even after many rebellions like the Boston Massacre or the Boston Tea Party. What's more, he forced us to quarter Red Coats in our homes. That's intolerable !!! (remove space) We cannot accept that anymore!
That is why we are claiming today our independence ! (remove space)

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-10-2014 13:03


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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