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Oral/Lieux et formes pouvoir

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Oral/Lieux et formes pouvoir
Message de etienne91 posté le 01-03-2015 à 12:25:40 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
je suis actuellement en Terminale S, j'ai donc à préparer un oral sur différents thèmes.
J'ai besoin de vos conseils ainsi que de vos aides sur : "Lieux et formes de pouvoir". En classe, nous avons étudié le sujet d'actualité sur l'Ecosse ainsi qu'un exposé imposé sur le pouvoir de l'argent.
Si vous apercevez des fautes de grammaire,...merci de le signaler afin de présenter le meilleur dossier sur ce thème !
Voici ce que j'ai fait :
I am going to talk about places and forms of power. First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion : Power is the ability to control others, events, or resources and places can also be a country or a state, which is powerful enough to influence events throughout the world. What are the differents forms of power ? To illustrate this notion I have chosen two documents : an article written by Gordon Brown and an article written by Gilda Carle.

The first document I have chosen is an article from the International New-York Times which was published about two weeks before the Scottish independence referendum. It was written by Gordon Brown, who is a British member of Parlement since 1983. He is a member of the labour party. He is also the former Price Minister. He was in the gouvernement of Tony Blair, so he has influence. He is triying to convince Scottish people to vote against independence.
The headline : “The Scots shouldn't go it alone” shows that Gordon Brown is against independence. We can find in this article the action of power in politics. Indeed Gordon Brown uses his influence to convince Scots to vote against independence. Finally Scotland remains in Great-Britain and England gives Scotland more independence and more power, thus more influence.

The second document I have chosen is an article from a website : Today.com written by Gilda Carle. The article is entilted “$250,000 for love ? Some men are willing to pay”.Gilda Carle is a relation-ship expert. The matchmaking is the process of matching two people together, usually for the purpose of marriage. Those services are not affordable for everyone, Gilda Carle actually charges her clients between 100000 and 250000 dollars for only few dates. Carle assures us that even with the economic crisis, the need for matchmaking services hadn't slow down a bit. Even if clients don't found “the one” yet they have no regrets and when Carle asked how they feel about spending this much money, they are repliying with philosophy : “What else am I going to do with the money ?”. Overall, one thing remain certain, love is going to be a real business even it love has nothing in common with money. But money can buy more and more thing. Money has a lot of power.

I have chosen two forms of power : power in politics and power of money. But there are a lots of forms of power as judiciary power, executive power, legislative power,... Power takes differents forms and is more and more present in the world. This is the fight between the one who has most power. I totally agree with the idea that power is increasing in the world.

Merci d'avoir lu et merci de commenter vos remarques et vos suggestions !

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-03-2015 13:07


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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