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Oral/Mythes et héros

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Oral/Mythes et héros
Message de rania220 posté le 29-04-2015 à 15:01:09 (S | E | F)
cc les gens, voila Bonjour,
j'aimerais qu'on m'aide à corriger les fautes s'il vous plait.
Merci pour vos réponses.

First of all, i would like to give a definition of a hero : a hero, in mythology, is a person who is endowed with superpowers, superhuman abilities and who i admired for his courage and also his achievements. In the modern world, a hero has lost its ancient meaning. Today, a hero could be a person who is helpful, who helps people who need it, and who is very generous and who do good deeds. How can we consider steve jobs and saint georges as heroes ? what are the differences between a hero from the past and a modern hero? To illustrate this notion, i have chosen two documents because of the fact that these documents represent the two heroes i will present in my development. The first document is a painting that represent saint georges, a very important symbol of christianity. He is represented as a knight, wearing a breast plate and fighting a dragon with a sword in order to save a princess who is tied at a post. Personnaly, i think that Saint georges represent the perfect example of an ancient hero. First and foremost, because he is endowed with supernatural abilities as such extreme strenght, he defeats his ennemies, and fights with monsters in order to save mankind. As far as i'm concerned, i think that the author's aim is to show that saint georges represent a symbol of the victory of faith over evil. He represents the perfect christian knight which is a fearless hero. The second document is a photograph. In this document, we can see steve jobs who looks determined and who is holding his schin ( je sais pas comment ecrire barbe en anglais --'). To sum up his life, steve jobs aws an orphan and was adopted by a lower middle class famili. He dropped out the school, consequently he didn't graduate from university. So he started from scratch and became the cofounder of apple, a very famous multinztional company. For me, he represents the perfect example of a modern hero. Firstly, contrary to st georges, he never needed superpowers or a sword in order to achieve his dream. And also, despite the fact that he had a cancer, he continued to make his dream come true. It's very admirable. Finally, he was a normal person and became a very important person who revolutionnized our daily lives and this, thanks to his courage an determination. As a nutshell, despite the fact that they are different, these two icons enable people who admire them to identify with.

Au revoir

Modifié par lucile83 le 29-04-2015 17:25

Réponse: Oral/Mythes et héros de gerondif, postée le 30-04-2015 à 00:04:26 (S | E)
I est toujours en majuscules.
erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert.

First of all, i would like to give a definition of a hero : a hero, in mythology, is a person who is endowed with superpowers, superhuman abilities and who is admired for his courage and also his achievements. In the modern world, a hero has lost its ancient meaning. Today, a hero could be a person who is helpful, who helps people who need it, and who is very generous and who does good deeds. How can we consider steve jobs and saint georges(majuscules) as heroes ? what are the differences between a hero from the past and a modern hero? To illustrate this notion, i have chosen two documents because of the fact that these documents represent the two heroes i will present in my development.

The first document is a painting that represents saint georges (majuscules à ce siant quand même!), a very important symbol of christianity. He is represented as a knight, wearing a breast plate and fighting a dragon with a sword in order to save a princess who is tied at a post. Personnaly, i think that Saint georges represents the perfect example of an ancient hero. First and foremost, because he is endowed with supernatural abilities as such extreme strenght, he defeats his ennemies, and fights with monsters in order to save mankind. As far as I'm concerned, i think that the author's aim is to show that saint georges represents a symbol of the victory of faith over evil. He represents the perfect christian knight which(knight est un être humain, donc...) is a fearless hero.

The second document is a photograph. In this document, we can see Steve Jobs who looks determined and who is holding his schin ( chin: menton beard: barbeje sais pas comment ecrire barbe en anglais --'). To sum up his life, steve jobs was an orphan and was adopted by a lower middle class famili. He dropped out of the school, consequently he didn't graduate from university. So he started from scratch and became the cofounder of apple, a very famous multinational company. For me, he represents the perfect example of a modern hero. Firstly, contrary to(j'aurais mis unlike) st georges, he never needed superpowers or a sword in order to achieve his dream. And also, despite the fact that he had a cancer, he continued to make his dream come true. It's very admirable. Finally, he was a normal person and became a very important person who revolutionnized our daily lives and this, thanks to his courage and determination. As(j'aurais mis to put it in a nutshell) a nutshell, despite the fact that they are different, these two icons enable people who admire them to identify with them.

Votre texte se laisse lire et écouter.....


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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