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Projet technique/aide (1)

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Projet technique/aide
Message de goby13 posté le 03-05-2015 à 11:41:51
salut a tous, Bonjour, j'aimerais avoir une petite correction s'il vous plait je pense qu'il y des problèmes de conjugaison :-/
Merci pour vos réponses.

our project aims to simply and clearly explain the basic operation of a 4T engine, I create cutting and rotation. for this second ECA I realize protocols, make my choices, builds and validates my prototype
Here are the various processes stored in the first eca,diagrame, photo,
Represent painted sections (I recalled that the cuts must not affect engine operation.)
The milling cutter has similar properties to that of a hacksaw, so I try to cut various materials corresponding to the piece cut with a hacksaw if the saws while cutting also cut milling.
Once selected cutting sites, you have to find the perfect position to work on parts.
To estimate the time of a cycle, I had to measure the time required for explanations of the four phases of the engine (intake, compression, expansion, exhaust)
Then I did two laps with each process, the two towers,be done in time imparts
If several processes running in time imparts then the simplest, the fastest will be retained
I wanted to cut back here to see the piston here to see the crankshaft
But here, here and here is better because the cut has an identical vision is simpler and faster because the thickness to be cut is smaller there will be cutting gaps because I never use the milling machine.
The metal saw has managed to cut all materials,
So all the parts will be cut with the milling which will save time and reduce energy consumption,
I managed to find the ideal position for space to work on defined parts
I measure time to a little explanation involving the 4 phases of the motor, the time is 30 seconds,
I make a margin of plus or minus 5 seconds
I mean that the two revolutions of the crankshaft must be in the range 25a35 seconds
The results are disappointing with the screwdriver, the starter and the engine because these processes are too fast,
(Less than five seconds for two rounds) but the crank operates in 30 seconds because the speed depends on the force that is exerted it.
the use of the crank is enabled
I realize my driving using solid works quick and easy use of the laser cutting to encourage its use,
I choose to be transparent Plexiglas over not seen hide the protocol was effective, the prototype matches the simulation, there are differences cutting some millimeters but this gap does not hinder
Engine Operating method
Cutting to the vision of the inner workings
The cut should not interfere with the internal workings
Clean and healthy cuts
Good vision of the piston, the vilo and by Popes
Getting a mechanical drive system
The training must follow the explanations
The training must not interfere with the vision of internal work

As you can see the handle incorporates the mechanism without interfering
engine operation and without disturbing the view,cuts allow the engine reassembly cuts allows view important pieces we have a rotary drive system that adapts to speed explanation and the prototype is tailored to specifications is that allows me to validate prototype
the use of the prototype is simple just turn the crank in the direction indicate who is not yet indicate but that will indicate
it requires no effort and allows the piston to see here, sub popes here, the connecting rod and vilo

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-05-2015 12:22
La mise en forme est catastrophique.
Le texte traduit en ligne est catastrophique aussi

Réponse: Projet technique/aide de goby13, postée le 03-05-2015 à 11:42:57
c'est un oral...

Réponse: Projet technique/aide de gerondif, postée le 03-05-2015 à 12:19:48
ce texte assez technique m'a interpellé comme fils d'ajusteur souvent associé aux constructions de mon défunt père à la cave....

on voit ici que le traducteur automatique arrive à bien dépanner sur de l'anglais technique , c'est quasi compréhensible.

Vous allez commenter une présentation powerpoint ou des "diapos" (Non là, je recule d'un siècle!) ou des images sur un écran d'ordi, ça va passer mais:

il y a des mots inconnus
eca (un éclaté?), vilo (vilebrequin?)

quand vous avez fait une erreur en français, le traducteur ne la capte pas et la laisse comme dans:
in the range 25a35 seconds

Et, le fin du fin qui va éclairer cette matinée pluvieuse:
La sous Pape, un saint objet, qui devient chez vous:
Good vision of the piston, the vilo and by Popes
sub popes (dernière ligne)

un double clic sur le mot soupapes vous donne accès à un dictionnaire qui donne:


Inflections of 'soupape' (n): fpl: soupapes


WordReference English-French Dictionary © 2015:
Principal Translations/Principales traductions
soupape nf (obturateur) (motor, pressure cooker) valve n

WordReference English-French Dictionary © 2015:
Compound Forms/Formes composées
siège de soupape nm valve seat
soupape d'admission nf intake valve
soupape d'arrêt nf stopcock
soupape d'étranglement (plomberie) throttle valve
soupape de dépression nf (automobile) vacuum valve

Tiens, quand j'avais 18 ans, un camarade de terminale, fils de médecin, dont je faisais les maths, me dit:
"l'an prochain, je voudrais faire une école de zinc (prononcé comme ça)"
moi, un peu bête, et fils d'ajusteur, je lui réponds:
"Ah bon, et vous n'allez travailler que ce métal là ?"
"Non, c'est une école de zinc, tu sais on étudie la forme des objets, c'est de l'art, il voulait dire"design" à prononcer [dizain]
Comme quoi le copain n'était pas bon en anglais non plus......

erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert:

our project aims to simply and clearly explain the basic operation of a 4T(two stroke/four-stroke-engine) engine, I create cutting and rotation. for this second ECA I realize protocols, make my choices, builds and validates my prototype
Here are the various processes stored in the first eca,diagrame, photo,
Represent painted sections (I recalled that the cuts must not affect engine operation.)
The milling cutter has similar properties to that of a hacksaw, so I try to cut various materials corresponding to the piece cut with a hacksaw if the saws while cutting also cut milling.
Once selected cutting sites, you have to find the perfect position to work on parts.
To estimate the time of a cycle, I had to measure the time required for explanations of the four phases of the engine (intake, compression, expansion, exhaust)
Then I did two laps with each process, the two towers,be done in time imparts
If several processes running in time imparts then the simplest, the fastest will be retained
I wanted to cut back here to see the piston here to see the crankshaft
But here, here and here is better because the cut has an identical vision, is simpler and faster because the thickness to be cut is smaller there will be cutting gaps because I never use the milling machine.
The metal saw has managed to cut all materials,
So all the parts will be cut with the milling which will save time and reduce energy consumption,
I managed to find the ideal position for space to work on defined parts
I measure time to for a little explanation involving the 4 phases of the motor, the time is 30 seconds,
I make take a margin of plus or minus 5 seconds
I mean that the two revolutions of the crankshaft must be in the range 25a35 seconds
The results are disappointing with the screwdriver, the starter and the engine because these processes are too fast,
(Less than five seconds for two rounds) but the crank operates in 30 seconds because the speed depends on the force that is exerted on it.
the use of the crank is enabled
I realize my driving using solid works(sens?) quick and easy use of the laser cutting to encourage its use,
I choose to be transparent Plexiglas over not seen hide the protocol was effective, the prototype matches the simulation, there are differences cutting some millimeters but this gap does not hinder
Engine Operating method
Cutting to the vision of the inner workings
The cut should not interfere with the internal workings
Clean and healthy cuts
Good vision of the piston, the vilo and by Popes
Getting a mechanical drive system
The training must follow the explanations
The training must not interfere with the vision of internal work

As you can see the handle incorporates the mechanism without interfering with
engine operation and without disturbing the view,
cuts allow the engine (sens?)
reassembly cuts allows to view important pieces
we have a rotary drive system that adapts to speed explanation and the prototype is tailored to specifications is that allows me to validate prototype
the use of the prototype is simple ,just turn the crank in the direction indicate(participe passé) who is not yet indicate but that will be indicated
it requires no effort and allows the piston to see(être vu) here, sub popes here, the connecting rod and vilo

Je vous souhaite cependant de réussir, au Salon des Inventeurs,on voit des choses extraordinaires, et quand un inventeur fait quelque chose de bien, on oublie son orthographe!

Réponse: Projet technique/aide de here4u, postée le 03-05-2015 à 14:07:40
gérondif, you're great! and perhaps the best example of British self control and humour...

Réponse: Projet technique/aide de lakata, postée le 03-05-2015 à 15:14:28

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