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Correction//// (1)

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas

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Message de selvaggia posté le 03-05-2015 à 23:12:40
Bonjour, bonsoir,
J'aimerai une correction. J'ai essayé de mettre mes idées en français et de les traduire en anglais. Pourrai-je avoir une correction s'il vous plait ? Merci d'avance pour votre aide !


Bonjour à tous !
Aujourd'hui grâce à l'avancée technologique, nous avons les moyens de travailler à distance comme chez soi par exemple ! Vous devriez vraiment envisager cette idée!
En effet, grâce à une connexion internet, nous pouvons avoir contact avec l'entreprise pour laquelle, nous travaillons.
Travailler à la maison permet de nombreux avantages. Avec un aménagement d'horaires plus souples,nous pouvons concilier travail et vie de famille. Nous pouvons économiser l'essence de la voiture, au lieu de faire le trajet., ce qui permet de gagner du temps et de l'argent,
Concernant les parents, ils peuvent dorénavant s'occuper de leurs enfants, au lieu de les inscrire à la cantine ou de solliciter une baby-sitter pour assurer leur garde. C'est appréciable pour la vie de famille.
Nous pouvons réduire le stress du travail et éviter les collègues avec qui les relations ne sont pas formidables! Tout le monde devrait essayer de découvrir ce mode de vie
C'est une opportunité pour les mères au foyer, les personnes handicapés,les personnes de nature disciplinées et organisées, afin d'éviter les contraintes liés à leur condition . C'est une véritable erreur de ne pas envisager l'idée de télétravail à la maison, croyez-moi!

Hello everyone !
Today, thanks to technological progress, we have the means to work remotely at home for example! You should really consider at this idea !
Indeed, thanks to an internet connection, we can have contact with the company for which we work.
Working at home allows many advantages. With development of more flexible schedules, we can balance work and family life. We can save the essence of the car, instead of the way. This saves time and money,
Regarding the parents, they can now look after their children, instead write them in the canteen or to request a babysitter for their care. This is significant for family life.
We can reduce the stress of work and avoid the colleagues with whom relations are not great! Everyone should try to experience this lifestyle
This is an opportunity to stay at home moms, disabled people, people kind of disciplined and organized to avoid the constraints related to their condition. It's a real mistake not to contemplate the idea of ​​telecommuting at home, trust me!

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-05-2015 07:53
Les traductions en ligne ne sont pas admises sur le site.

Réponse: Correction//// de gerondif, postée le 04-05-2015 à 00:11:48
voici le travail fait par google traduction de votre texte:
Hello everyone!
Today, thanks to technological progress, we have the means to work remotely at home for example! You really should consider this idea!
Indeed, thanks to an internet connection, we can have contact with the company for which we work.
Working at home allows many advantages. With development of more flexible schedules, we can balance work and family life. We can save the essence of the car, instead of the way. This saves time and money,
Regarding the parents, they can now look after their children, instead write them in the canteen or to request a babysitter for their care. This is significant for family life.
We can reduce the stress of work and avoid the colleagues with whom relations are not great! Everyone should try to discover what lifestyle
This is an opportunity for stay at home moms, disabled people, people kind of disciplined and organized to avoid the constraints related to their condition. It's a real mistake not to consider the idea of ​​teleworking at home, believe me!
c'est le même , non? à trois mots près
Voila le vôtre, quelques erreurs en bleu
Hello everyone !
Today, thanks to technological progress, we have the means to work remotely at home for example! You should really consider at this idea !
Indeed, thanks to an internet connection, we can have contact with the company for which we work.
Working at home allows many advantages. With development of more flexible schedules, we can balance work and family life. We can save the essence of the car, instead of the way. This saves time and money,
Regarding the parents, they can now look after their children, instead (mal construit) write them in the canteen or to request a babysitter for their care. This is significant for family life.
We can reduce the stress of work and avoid the colleagues with whom relations are not great! Everyone should try to experience this lifestyle
This is an opportunity to stay at home for moms, disabled people, people kind of disciplined and organized to avoid the constraints related to their condition. It's a real mistake not to contemplate the idea of ​​telecommuting at home, trust me!

Réponse: Correction//// de selvaggia, postée le 04-05-2015 à 00:21:34
Effectivement, google traduit mieux que moi en général.

Réponse: Correction//// de selvaggia, postée le 04-05-2015 à 00:46:10
Bon :
Today, thanks to technological progress, we have ways to work remotely at home for example! You should really consider this idea !
Indeed, thanks to an internet connection, we can have contact with the company for which we are working for
Working at home allows many advantages. With a more flexible diary, to manage to combine work and family life. We can save the petrol of the car, instead of the way. This saves time and money,
Regarding the parents, they can now look after their children, instead of register them in the canteen or to request a babysitter for their care. This more pleasent for the family life.
We can reduce the stress of work and avoid the colleagues with whom relations are not great! Everyone should try to experience this lifestyle
This is an opportunity to stay at home for moms, disabled people, people disciplined and organized to avoid the constraints related to their condition. It's a real mistake not to contemplate the idea of ​​telecommuting at home, trust me!

Je ne peux pas faire mieux...

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