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Bac/Spaces and exchanges

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Bac/Spaces and exchanges
Message de arual13 posté le 30-05-2015 à 15:37:51 (S | E | F)
voici une autre notion... J'aimerais beaucoup que vous m'aidiez à la corriger mais aussi à me dire si tout ça a du sens.
Merci d'avance !

-> annonce du plan + pb :
In terms of spaces and exchanges, what is the relationship between the US and Mexico ?
To answer this question, I will first focus on the border and what it is, then, in a second part, I will focus on the fact that it is a dynamic area but also a place of exil and finally move on to the question of a complicated relationship of attraction and repulsion.

The frontiere between the USA and Mexico is called the « Border Fence ». Over the last decades, the Mexico-US border has been a burning and debated issue. It is one of the longest borders in the world and also one of the busiest. The Americans built a wall 1000 km long and 5 m high for protect their country of the immigrants. It is in wood and protect by cameras, dromes or sensors. But there are patrols too like the FBI or the DEAC (Drug Enforcement Agency). But it is contradictory with their principles. For exemple the poem written by Emma Lazarus in 1883 « the new colossus » tries to encourage the immigrants to come to the USA to escape poverty and to find refuge from the war.
However, this border shows that the USA have changed his mind and have established a new policy against immigrants. But a lot of people still try to pass the frontiere to find a better life.

The border acts like a magnet for Mexican immigrants who dream of a better life in the USA. Actually, the job offers are limited in Mexico and the standards of living are much lower than in the USA. Contrary to Mexico which is struck by unemployment and poverty USA, appears as a land of opportunities as far as the job market is concerned. That is the reason why many destitute Mexicans cross the border, whether legally or illegally.
The fact that this space is dynamic includes the cultural side.
Immigration tends to create a multicultural society, with the emergence of TV channels in Spanish for example. We have Dora for kids or « Jane the virgin » for young people. Another illustration of these exchanges is Spanglish : it shows the influence of Spanish over the English language. We looked at a video on the subject in class, and it was funny, crazy and hard to understand. Because the man spoke really quickly and I don't speak spanish so I can't understand correctly. There are 2 rules to speak this hybrid language : You have to constantly switching between Spanish and English. And If a word doesn't exist in Spanish you take the English word and make it sound Spanish. I have 2 exemple : Googlear, Brunchaer. And with this new language we can see this society is more and more multicultural and dynamic.

Nevertheless, they need each other for various reasons. Historically America is an immigrant country. And we saw that the statue of liberty alludes to this idea, which the poem « the new Colossus ». But now it exists a new « version » of this poem which says the opposite. We can see that many words have been crossed and changed into others which deeply alters the meaning of the poem. This new version shows that the policy on the immigration in the USA changed. Now the USA want to choose who comes in their country : only highly-qualified workers are welcome. But we see that America need them, they are invited to come to America « on a temporary basis ». They are here to do the hard jobs, to get low-paid jobs.
And it has become a strategic place for legal and illegal business. Not only do commercial exchanges take place there, it is also a nerve centre for drug dealing. All of this brings a lot of people on the border and incites to cross. And that is a real problem for Americans who look for solutions to stop it.

As a conclusion, we can say that even if the Mexican immigration remains debated, it
is indisputably a source of economic and cultural wealth for the USA. Nevertheless,
the American Dream sometimes turns out to be more an utopia than reality. And yes the relationships between the USA and Mexico are complicated with the new american policy about immigration but we can hope an improvement with the new generation and the Hispanic culture which sets in.

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-05-2015 16:47

Réponse: Bac/Spaces and exchanges de laure95, postée le 31-05-2015 à 11:47:07 (S | E)

- The frontiere: orthographe.
- The Americans built a wall 1000 km long and 5 m high: inverser.
- for protect: TO protect.
- their country of: from.
- protect: participe passé.
- But it is contradictory with their principles: it is contrary to.
- his mind: pas le bon possessif.

- USA, appears: THE USA appears
- We looked at: watched.
- You have to constantly switching: HAVE TO + INFINITIF
-I have 2 exemple: pluriel.
-which: with
- the policy on the immigration in the USA changed: mettre au présent perfect.
- who comes in their country :the people they will accept.
- only highly-qualified workers are welcome: participe passé.
-Americans: the Americans.

- And yes: and it's true that.

Modifié par lucile83 le 31-05-2015 11:48

Réponse: Bac/Spaces and exchanges de arual13, postée le 01-06-2015 à 18:41:27 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup à vous je vais corriger tout ça !


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