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Debate/ living on the campus

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Debate/ living on the campus
Message de mar4gaux posté le 30-11-2015 à 11:20:38 (S | E | F)
lundi prochain nous faisons un débat sur 'vivre au campus' et je dois faire l'introduction sur le côté CONTRE du débat ainsi que donner un argument. Voici ma partie (où il doit y avoir pas mal de fautes). Merci d'avance de votre aide pour la correction et bonne semaine à vous

I will do a little introduction on living in the campus. We have to know that, in France, 47% of students stay living with their parents. But the rest of the students choose to live on the campus or not.
Our team will defend the way that living on the campus is not always a good idea.
Indeed we will developp the way of the autonomy, the price, the choice of the flat, the environment of study... etc
Firstly I would say that when you decide to live in the campus, most of the time, you cannot choose our flat. In fact you can choose the building, the place and maybe the floor but you can't choose the decoration or the orientation of the appartment.
Moreover these flats are often old and without style.
Finally I would say that to succeed in our studdy we need to live in a good environment which we like. So to my mind it's better to choose our flat.

Merci encore pour votre aide précieuse !

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-11-2015 12:06

Réponse: Debate/ living on the campus de bluestar, postée le 30-11-2015 à 22:03:18 (S | E)

I will do a little introduction on living in the campus (generalement 'on campus'). We have to know that, in France, 47% of students stay(ou 'are still') living with their parents. But the rest of the students choose to live on the campus or not. ('elsewhere' est mieux))
Our team will defend the way (pas le mot juste)that living on the campus is not always a good idea.
Indeed we will developp(orth.) the way (voir au dessus) of the autonomy, the price, the choice of the flat, the environment of study... etc
Firstly I would say that when you decide to live in the campus, most of the time, you cannot choose your flat. In fact you can choose the building, the place and maybe the floor but you can't choose the decoration or the orientation of the appartment.(orth.)
Moreover these flats are often old and without style.
Finally I would say that to succeed in our studdy(orth.) we need to live in a good environment which we like. So to my mind it's better to choose our flat.

Réponse: Debate/ living on the campus de here4u, postée le 01-12-2015 à 14:06:29 (S | E)
Hello !
Il serait important de savoir si vous parlez d'un campus anglo-saxon ou d'un "campus français" (très rare : Maisons de la cité Universitaire à Paris et campus des Grandes Ecoles)
On campus, you don't live in flats, but in Dorms... and in your text, you're not really dealing with the drawbacks of living on campus...(if any!)

I will do a little introduction on living in the campus. We have to know that, in France, 47% of students stay living with their parents.Very clumsy ... Rephrase. But the rest of the students choose to live on the campus or not.
Our team will defend the way that living on the campus is not always a good idea.
Indeed we will developp the way of the autonomy, the price, the choice of the flat, the environment of study... etc
Firstly I would say that when you decide to live in the campus, most of the time, you cannot choose our flat. In fact you can choose the building, the place and maybe the floor but you can't choose the decoration or the orientation of the appartment.
Moreover these flats are often old and without style.
Finally I would say that to succeed in our studdy we need to live in a good environment which we like. So to my mind it's better to choose our flat.


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