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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de nat45 posté le 09-12-2015 à 14:12:43 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
j'aurais besoin d'une petite aide en anglais, pouvez-vous me donner vos avis et corrections à propos de cette petite étude du discours d'inauguration de Roosevelt s'il vous plait?
Merci pour vos réponses

The Great Depression in the United States began on October 29, 1929, a day most known as “Black Tuesday,” when the American stock market crashed, plunging the country into severe economic crisis. Speculators lost their money, banks failed, the nation’s money source diminished and companies went bankrupt and began to fire their workers in droves. Meanwhile, President Herbert Hoover urged patience and self-reliance. Hoover thought that the crisis wasn’t so much problematical and that it wasn’t the federal government’s job to try to resolve it. He was also blamed for being harsh with the bonus Marchers and don’t do nothing more to promise for a relief. Hoover was also accused responsible of the disaster of the “Hooverville”, a place where live Americans who lost their homes and job, “Hooverville” had no running water or sewage systems and caused public health problems. In 1932 Franklin D. Roosevelt had campaigned against Herbert Hoover in the presidential elections. Roosevelt won them thanks to two aspects: On the one hand the unpopularity of the former president Hoover and on the other hand because of his appeal. For example people were impressed by the fact that he had overcome the handicap of polio to become a successful politician. The inaugural speech of Roosevelt happened 4 years after the 1929 crisis.
On March 4, 1933, at the height of the Great Depression, Franklin Roosevelt delivered his first inaugural address before 100,000 people on Washington’s Capitol Plaza. When President Franklin Roosevelt took office in 1933, he acted swiftly to try and stabilize the economy and provide jobs and relief to those who were suffering. In his inaugural speech, Roosevelt denounces in first the “Fear” in order “to convert retreat into advance”. In his inaugural address, he wants the citizen’s supports and their faith in his leadership. Roosevelt accuses the guilty ones of the crisis which are the Banks and rivers of exchange. His goal was to restore the faith that most Americans had lost in their country. To counter the crisis, he set up the “New Deal”, a series of projects and programs based on three words: Relief, Recovery and Reform. The aims of the New Deal was to assist in the removal of poverty, to boost the economy in order to provide jobs to people and to make reform to assure the future against unemployment, old, sick, disabled and the poverty. His first goal to break the cycle of despondency was to break up the unemployment which was included in the New Deal. He clearly describes that "our greatest primary task is to put people to work". Roosevelt urged Americans to put their savings back in the banks and took huge measure when he closed the banks for ten days to stop people from withdrawing their money from unstable banks. He would allow those banks with asset to re-open and others would be closed. An action which was finally successful because few months later three quarters of the banks had reopened.
The structural stability and social security provided by the New Deal's reforms caused an economic boom. By 1939, many Americans still did not have jobs, but the economy was improving. To conclude more than an economic relief, Roosevelt’s New Deal permanently changed the federal government’s relationship to the U.S. population.

Modifié par lucile83 le 09-12-2015 22:05

Réponse: Roosevelt/discours de laure95, postée le 12-12-2015 à 16:20:33 (S | E)
-don’t do: mettre au passé.
- to promise for a relief: enlever FOR.
- Hoover was also accused responsible: ACCUSED + OF + BEING + ADJECTIVE
- of the disaster: pas la bonne préposition.
- a place where live Americans: SUJET + VERBE.
- who lost their homes: utiliser HOUSES.
- In 1932 Franklin D. Roosevelt had campaigned: prétérit.
- who were suffering: from what?
- In his inaugural speech, Roosevelt denounces: passé.
- In his inaugural address, he wants: passé.
- Roosevelt accuses: passé.
- which are the Banks: passé.
- The aims of the New Deal was: sujet au pluriel + verbe au pluriel.
- old, sick, disabled: mettre les noms ou ajouter THE.
- He clearly describes: passé.
- few months later: ajouter A devant FEXX.

Réponse: Roosevelt/discours de here4u, postée le 12-12-2015 à 19:52:59 (S | E)
hello !
What is underlinedis very clumsy ...

The Great Depression in the United States began on October 29, 1929, a day most known as “Black Tuesday,” when the American stock market crashed, plunging the country into X severe economic crisis. Speculators lost their money, banks failed, the nation’s money source diminished and companies went bankrupt and began to fire their workers in droves. Meanwhile, President Herbert Hoover urged patience and self-reliance. Hoover thought that the crisis wasn’t so much problematical and that it wasn’t the federal government’s job to try to resolve it. He was also blamed for being harsh with the bonus Marchers and don’t do nothing(temps+double négation! ) more to promise for a relief. Hoover was also accused responsible of the disaster of the “Hooverville”, a place where live Americans who lost their homes and job, “Hooverville” had no running water or sewage systems and caused public health problems. In 1932 Franklin D. Roosevelt had campaigned against Herbert Hoover in the presidential elections. Roosevelt won them thanks to two aspects: On the one hand the unpopularity of the former president Hoover =construction!and on the other hand because of his appeal. For example people were impressed by the fact that he had overcome the handicap of polio to become a successful politician. The inaugural speech of Roosevelt happened 4 years after the 1929 crisis.
On March 4, 1933, at the height of the Great Depression, Franklin Roosevelt delivered his first inaugural address before 100,000 people on Washington’s Capitol Plaza. When President Franklin Roosevelt took office in 1933, he acted swiftly to try and stabilize the economy and provide jobs and relief to those who were suffering. In his inaugural speech, Roosevelt denounces in first the “Fear” in order “to convert retreat into advance”. In his inaugural address, he wants the citizen’s supports and their faith in his leadership. Roosevelt accuses the guilty ones of the crisis which are the Banks and rivers of exchange(construction à revoir!). His goal was to restore the faith that most Americans had lost in their country. To counter the crisis, he set up the “New Deal”, a series of projects and programs based on three words: Relief, Recovery and Reform. The aims of the New Deal was to assist in the removal of poverty(very clumsy!), to boost the economy in order to provide jobs to people (construction ...) and to make reform to assure the future against unemployment, old, sick, disabled (substantiver ces adjectifs!) and the poverty. His first goal to break the cycle of despondency was to break up the unemployment which was included in the New Deal. He clearly describes that "our greatest primary task [is] to put people to work". Roosevelt urged Americans to put their savings back inXXthe banks and took huge measure when he closed the banks for ten days to stop people from withdrawing their money from unstable banks. He would allow those banks with asset to re-open and others would be closed. An action which was finally successful because XXX few months later three quarters of the banks had reopened.
The structural stability and social security provided by the New Deal's reforms caused an economic boom. By 1939, many Americans still did not have jobs, but the economy was improving. To conclude, more than an economic relief, Roosevelt’s New Deal permanently changed the federal government’s relationship to the U.S. population.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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