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Message de isarosa posté le 28-02-2016 à 23:49:55 (S | E | F)
Please can you tell mi if it's correct or if I have mistakes.
Thanks for any reply.

Nowadays a lot of people want to become famous and it’s true that most of them achieve it quickly.
Nobody can deny that TV programs like “Big Brother” or “Operación Triunfo” can help these people to achieve fame.
I don’t know why exactly, because in my humble opinion there are really bad programs although we have to recognize they have an incredible audience. Then, when contestants are expelled, they go every week to different programs on TV and quickly they earn money without having to work for it
In fact, they are normal people who often don’t have a career and for them it’s a good way to become famous without any effort. I don’t understand why spectators continue watching these type of programs, but it’s true they have a big audience.
A serious disadvantage about these kind of programs is that young people are addicted to them and they tend to do the same.
In addition, they only watch how to learn bad manners, to swear as they are always shouting, argue about anything and swearing. Nothing to compare, with good manners. We must consider that is better to become famous as a consequence of your studies and value.
As you know, some people had studied and had been luck in their life. To be honest, I don’t think people become famous just by working, although at least they’ll be able to have a better quality of life.
Concerning if I would love to be famous, I have to say, that really it’s not my best dream.
Another disadvantage for famous or celebrities is that they can’t have a normal life as everything they do, are published in magazines. They are always followed by journalists. That’s why, they can’t have any intimity.
I don’t think I would like living in this way. I prefer living with less money but more freedom. It’s better to be with friends or family without photographers behind you all the day.
Another point to talk is what I would like to do if I was famous. Honestly I’ve never thought about it. From my point of view, it’s impossible I become famous as I’m a simple person who would rather to make money honestly, working and doing what I really like and I learned from my parents or family.
To sum up, I doubt that I will ever become a celebrity but if I did, I would enjoy travelling around the world.

Edited by lucile83 on 29-02-2016 05:59

Réponse: Fame/correction de gerondif, postée le 29-02-2016 à 12:15:55 (S | E)
mistakes in blue, corrections in green.

Nowadays a lot of people want to become famous and it’s true that most of them achieve it quickly.
Nobody can deny that TV programs like “Big Brother” or “Operación Triunfo” can help these people to achieve fame.
I don’t know why exactly, because in my humble opinion there are really bad programs although we have to recognize they have an incredible audience. Then, when contestants are expelled, they go every week to different programs on TV and quickly they earn money without having to work for it.
In fact, they are normal people who often don’t have a career and for them it’s a good way (of becoming) to become famous without any effort. I don’t understand why spectators continue watching (continue to watch /go on watching / keep watching) these that type of programs, but it’s true they have a big audience.
A serious disadvantage about these kind of programs is that young people are addicted to them and they tend to do the same.
In addition, they only watch how to learn(what they watch only teaches them bad manners) bad manners, to swear as (since) they are always shouting, argue about anything and swearing. Nothing to compare with (it has nothing to do with good manners) good manners. We must consider that is better to become famous as a consequence of your studies and value.
As you know, some people had studied and had been lucky in their life(plural). To be honest, I don’t think people become famous just by working, although at least they’ll be able to have a better quality of life.
Concerning if (As for me, if I were asked if I would love to be famous, I would have to say that really it’s not my best dream.
Another disadvantage for famous people or celebrities is that they can’t have a normal life as everything they do, are(everything is singular) published in magazines. They are always followed by journalists. That’s why, they can’t have any intimity.
I don’t think I would like living (to live) in this way. I prefer living with less money but more freedom. It’s better to be with friends or family without photographers behind you all the day. (all day long)
Another point to talk about is what I would like to do if I was(subjunctive) famous. Honestly I’ve never thought about it. From my point of view, it’s impossible I become famous as I’m a simple person who would rather to make money honestly, working and doing what I really like and what I learned from my parents or family.
To sum it up, I doubt that I will ever become a celebrity but if I did, I would enjoy travelling around the world.

Watch where you put your commas ,,,,

Réponse: Fame/correction de isarosa, postée le 29-02-2016 à 14:12:31 (S | E)
thanks for your help.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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