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Notion/Idea of Progress

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Notion/Idea of Progress
Message de cxcx posté le 28-04-2016 à 10:17:03 (S | E | F)
j'aimerais savoir si mon texte contient des fautes s'il vous plait.
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.

I) On one hand India is a country with traditions and discriminations
India seems to be through the picture studied in class, a country which give importance to traditions and create sometimes discrimination: we can see in this picture that women and men aren’t dressed in the same way. Women wear clothing more traditional (the Sari) while men have modern clothes. Moreover it’s easy to note that there are fewer women than men in this picture and only women look after children. Furthermore in the document cast system we have understand that Dalit’s represent an outcaste they are discriminated and the poorest people in India
It’s difficult to being women and lives in India:
Traditions are important in India so they kept as it says in the document the dowry tradition: to explain it is a gift that bride’s family offer to the husband but if they cannot, the wife is tortured and sometimes killed by his husband. This is the main reason why Indian families don’t want to have daughter. In fact in the recording India’s girl go missing; we learn that it is a region of the world that becoming a male dominated society because of the gander selected abortions even if it is illegal.

II) On the other hand India is a country evolving and becoming a more modern society
It’s country with a modern side:
Despite of traditions India is a country in full development as we can see by the picture: in fact there are buildings and a city developed. Since these few years, India is changing as we could learn in the text changing India: it’s a place with now more amenities like factories cars decentralization. Elsewhere in the high tech cities recording it say that this country is now more competitive in the economic domain : there is place like Hyderabad that include some important companies like Google.
Also development of malls and hotels, contribute to the rise of India
Indians wants now to change their minds and their way of life
The creation of microcredit that talks about the document is microcredit changing India, help poor entrepreneurs. But as we studied, this creation allows in particular women to have an income and try to live better. Furthermore in the text changing India, we have seen that Indian people are trying to evolve: children of low caste in spite of his situation study, some people are not ashamed to finding love again. They want to evolve and sometimes don’t follow the traditions.

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-04-2016 13:20

Réponse: Notion/Idea of Progress de laure95, postée le 28-04-2016 à 18:50:05 (S | E)
-On (article)one hand India is a country with traditions and discriminations
-a country which give (faute de conjugaison) importance to traditions and create (faute de conjugaison)
-we can see in (pas la bonne préposition)this picture that women and men aren’t dressed in the same way.
- we have understand (have + participe passé)that Dalit’s represent an outcaste they are discriminated
-It’s difficult to being (to + infinitif) women and lives (faute de conjugaison) in India:
- Traditions are important in India so they kept (present perfect) as it says in the document the dowry tradition:
- to explain it is a gift that(article) bride’s family offer to the husband
-but if they cannot, the wife is tortured and sometimes killed by his (pas le bon possessif)husband.
- This is the main reason why Indian families don’t want to have daughter (pluriel).
- it is a region of the world that becoming (tempds?) a male dominated society because of the gander (orthographe)selected

- a city developed: ordre des mots.
- Since these few years, India is changing (since + present perfect)
- factories cars (seul le 2è mot est au pluriel)decentralization.
- Elsewhere in the high tech cities recording it say (un document ne dit pas)
-tthere is (article)place like Hyderabad that include (faute de conjugaison) some important companies like Google.
-Also (article)development of malls and hotels, contribute to the rise of India
-Indians wants (faute de conjugaison) now to change their minds and their way of life
-The creation of microcredit that talks about the document: mal dit.
- is microcredit changing India, help (gérondif)poor entrepreneurs.
- children of low caste in spite of his (his ?)situation study, some people are not ashamed to finding (to + infinitif)love


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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