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Bac/Espaces et échanges

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Bac/Espaces et échanges
Message de shanou14 posté le 06-05-2016 à 00:04:02 (S | E | F)
je viens enfin de terminer ma dernière notion ( Ouf ). Et je viens ici pour solliciter votre aide pour corriger mes fautes.
Je vous remercie d'avance

I'm going to speak about the notion of Espace and exchanges and I'd like to give you a definition. The different spaces of the world are nowadays more and more connected to each other and exchanges which are acts of giving or receiving something in substitution for something else, can appear on several forms: movement of people, trade, exchanges of money, ideas or informations...I would like to illustrate this notion through the theme of « Global village » . Indeed, the world has become a «  Global village » that refers to a small community where people have close links, are connected, all know are another. First of all i'm to talk about the reasons which leave us believe the world has become a global village and then i'm going to talk about the reasons which allow to say that this process is not finished yet.

Today, many of countries have the same cultur, same consoming, same food.They live together in harmony and make exchanges between them. We saw a picture in class where we can see the world and a amazing number of communication network between countries. Indeed, we can note that the stock exchanges in the world increase more and more. We also see a display of the culture and a standardication of lifestyle.
For help all of theses new exchanges, man countries developped the infrastructures. For example, the appearance of hub airports, higt speed lines of communication which facilities the movement of people. Or still free exchanges thanks to international laws.
Thanks to the globalization, all the exchanges are facilities and people can travel aal around the world without problem and in better safety.
However, today, globalization means Americanisation. Indeed in class we told about a caricatur where we could see a herd of sheep representing a large number of country of the world and there are dominated by The USA, that's why i'm i can say that the USA leads the world so some countries are excluded. We note that some countries have not the same economic system ( free economic marke, communism ..) Also, there are a lot of social inequalities, in differents place men kill each other. For example the Vietnam sang or Armenian genocide.
We have also another problem saw in class on a caricatur of Chappatte, which is that In this world, all the countries are not open for example the US borders and of course they are more developped than Mexico. Indeed, we saw in this caricatur a Mexican which walks in the middle of a desert zone and side on him The USA and the civilisation ( we can see a MacDonald's, buildings...) These two countries are separated by a Wall barriers and barbed wires call the US borders. Sadly, many countries are reluctant, they try to prevent migrants from crossing the boarders by erecting wall barrier.

In concusion, the world is one road to become a Global village, but, it stays some differences between countries in a world dominated by The America. Some countries are still in margin while others dominate and make barriers to limit the immigration. So, Does the world will become a Global village ? Without barriers, with the same culture and customs ?

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-05-2016 08:58

Réponse: Bac/Espaces et échanges de laure95, postée le 08-05-2016 à 19:09:17 (S | E)
- informations: pas de "s.
- all know are another: ?
-First of all i'm (going) to talk about the reasons which leave (make)us believe

- Today, many of (pas de OF)countries have the same cultur (orthographe)
- a amazing ( A + MOT COMMENCANT PAR UNE CONSONNE)number of communication network between countries.
- Indeed, we can note that the (enlever THE)stock exchanges in the world increase (present progressif) more and more.
-standardication: ?
- For (pas la bonne préposition)help all of (enlever OF)theses new exchanges, man countries developped the (pas de THE) infrastructures.
- higt (orthogra^phe) speed lines of communication which facilities (ce n'est pas un verbe)the movement of people.
- Thanks to the (pas de THE)globalization, all the exchanges are facilities (mal construit) and people can travel aal (faute de frappe?,) around the world without (any) problem and in better safety.
- a caricatur: orthographe.
- where we could see a herd of sheep representing a large number of country (pluriel)of the world and there are (there are = il y a) -
- i'm i can say
- that the USA leads (faute de conjugaison)the world
- We have also another problem saw in class: mal dit.
- a Mexican (man, woman ?)which (pas le bon relatif) walks in the middle of a desert zone
- a Wall barriers and barbed wires ( A+ SINGULIER)call (participe passé)the US borders.
- Sby erecting wall barrier (pluriel).

- In concusion, the world is one road (pas le bon mot ici)to become a Global village, but, it stays (pas le bon mot ici)some differences between countries in a world dominated by The (pas de THE)America.
- So, Does the world will become a Global village ?: mal colnstruit)

Réponse: Bac/Espaces et échanges de lucile83, postée le 08-05-2016 à 19:15:25 (S | E)
In concusion, the world is one road ...mind the spelling.

Réponse: Bac/Espaces et échanges de shanou14, postée le 08-05-2016 à 19:35:23 (S | E)
Bonjour Laure,
Merci beaucoup pour votre correction, je vous poste ensuite mon texte corrigé afin que vous voyez les modifications que j'y ai apporté. Bonne soirée à vous ^^

I'm going to speak about the notion of Espace and exchanges and I'd like to give you a definition. The different spaces of the world are nowadays more and more connected to each other and exchanges which are acts of giving or receiving something in substitution for something else, can take several forms: movement of people, trade, exchanges of money, ideas or information..I would like to illustrate this notion through the theme of « Global village » . Indeed, the world has become a «  Global village » that refers to a small community where people have close links, are connected. First of all i'm going to talk about the reasons whichlead us to believe the world has become a global village and then i'm going to talk about the reasons which allow to say that this process is not completed yet.

Today, manycountries have the same culture, same consoming, same food.They live together in harmony and make exchanges between them. We saw a picture in class where we can see the world and an amazing number of communication network between countries. Indeed, we can note that stock exchanges in the world is increase more and more. We also see a display of the culture and a standardisation of lifestyle.
To help all theses new exchanges, man countries developped infrastructures. For example, the appearance of hub airports, high speed lines of communication which help the movement of people. Or still free exchanges thanks to international laws.
Thanks to globalization, all the exchanges are easier and people can travel all around the world without any problem and in better safety.
However, today, globalization means Americanisation. Indeed in class we told about a caricature where we could see a herd of sheep representing a large number of countries of the world and they are dominated by USA, that's why i can say that the USA lead the world so some countries are excluded. We note that some countries have not the same economic system ( free economic marke, communism ..) Also, there are a lot of social inequalities, in differents place men kill each other. For example the Vietnam sang or Armenian genocide.
We also saw another problem in class on a caricatur of Chappatte, which is that In this world, all the countries are not open for example the US borders and of course they are more developped than Mexico. Indeed, we saw in this caricatur a Mexican man who walks in the middle of a desert zone and side on him The USA and the civilisation ( we can see a MacDonald's, buildings...) These two countries are separated by Wall barriers and barbed wires called the US borders. Sadly, many countries are reluctant, they try to prevent migrants from crossing the boarders by erecting wall barriers.
In conclusion, the world has not yet become a Global village,there are still some inequalities between countries in a world dominated by America. Some countries are still lagging behind while others dominate and build barriers to limit the immigration. So, will the world become a Global village ? Without barriers, with the same culture and customs ?

Réponse: Bac/Espaces et échanges de shanou14, postée le 08-05-2016 à 19:36:49 (S | E)
Oui, je l'ai vu celle-ci Lucile, ça c'est dû à ma tête de linotte xD


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