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Stressful jobs/aide

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Stressful jobs/aide
Message de tanguypam posté le 07-05-2016 à 14:17:30 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
J'ai un sujet d'essai en anglais que je dois faire pour lundi, pensez-vous qu'il y a des fautes ou des reformulations à faire ? Je dois parler de trois métiers stressants parmi une liste donnée. Voici mon essai :

Civil Pilot
Be a Civil Pilot is not easy every day, I consider this job as a high stressed job for several causes.
The main fact is, when a pilot is on flight, he’s in charge of the people who are in his plane, often over hundred people. He’s the pilot, that’s him who take the decisions, who make and verify the adjustments to be in security during the flight, moreover each flight isn’t the same than the previous.
Then, about the work rhythm, even if a pilot has a lot of holidays, a flight can be really early in a day or can be really long if it’s a trip to China for instance.

In the artisans’ jobs I think that Miner is the harder and the highest stressed.
A miner is sometimes confined under the floor over 8 hours a day and risks his life in holes just to harvest some stones or other minerals. The most important thing to highlight is that miners have in their mind all the tragic events which happened by the past …
Moreover, the salary of this kind of jobs is not really high for what a miner has to do.

Be a manager involves many things as the capacity to lead a group or a project.
I think it’s a high stressed job because, indeed, a manager is at the head of a business or a project, so, he has to be authoritarian and really organized every day, it’s him who tell the objectives and make the rules.
Also, when somebody has his own business, he has to care about his enterprise and he has to manage all his employees to take care of the society.

Modifié par lucile83 le 07-05-2016 14:21


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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