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Notion/mythes et héros

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Notion/mythes et héros
Message de musicaul posté le 08-05-2016 à 20:34:35 (S | E | F)
Pouvez-vous m'aider s'il vous plait car j'ai fini ma notion de "Mythe et Héros", mais je ne suis pas sûr que tout soit bien formulé et que le contenu soit bon.
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.

Myth and Heroes
I’m going to present the notion “Myth and heroes”. First, I’m going to define what it is a myth. To define it, I will say that it may be a traditional story that passes across the times and survive into the memories. Often, it’s about a representation symbolic that can involve a hero or a superman and who is able to affect social life. Define now what it is a hero. A hero is a leader who has qualities superhuman and who fights for the social justice and sacrifices himself for the common good.
How an ordinary person can, thanks to her prowess, advance the society?
In a first time, we will see how a person can become a hero, and in a second time, we will see how a person can transform the society
A hero can break away of people by her will or his acts. In the case of Nelson Mandela we can talk of politic will. In fact, Mandela fought for the black civics rights and struggled against racial segregation and for the peace in Africa. Just like Martin Luther King in America. Mandela fought for racial equality. He makes part of manifestations without violence, against the laws of apartheid. He even will jailed for his responsibility in his campaign of sabotage against publics and military installations. From his incarceration, Mandela will become the symbol of the struggle for racial equality and will have an international growing support. Mandela will become president of republic of South Africa in 1994 as the result of the first nationals’ elections no segregationists of the country history.

Also, an ordinary person can become a hero by his acts. In the example of aviation, we can take the case of the flight 1549 US Airways. This history deals with an accident which would have been able to be catastrophic because engines did not work anymore and the plane could not fly any more. The situation seemed irremediable but the pilot managed to softly put the plane over Hudson’s river without any dead. Thanks to his incredible prowess, the former ordinary pilot became a hero famous anywhere in the world to have saved the life of 155 passengers

Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Mandela, Barack Obama together transformed today’s society. In fact they fought one after another to defend black people rights. For a long time they have kept hope, they often have dreamed to live one day in an equal world, a world full of peace like said Martin Luther King in his famous speech “I have a dream”, a free world without racial distinction. If we look from 1950’s to today, we can observe a big evolution about black people. Rosa Parks and Obama are the perfect example. When Rosa Parks became famous at 1st December 1995, because she refused to give her place to a white man, she was arrested by police because it’s was a crime. Black people were treated like slaves they had any right. Today, there is an enormous contrast because for 2008, Barack Obama a black man Afro-American became, for the first time of history, president. It’s a veritable break with the past. During this year, we have studied about Black History Month created by Carter Godwin Woodson since 1926. Every year since the 1970’s many schools commemorate the history of Afro-American.

Modifié par lucile83 le 08-05-2016 21:25


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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