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Bac/Spaces and exchanges

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Bac/Spaces and exchanges
Message de bouboudu972 posté le 09-05-2016 à 01:12:20 (S | E | F)
Bonjour tout le monde.
J'aimerais de l'aide pour la correction de mon oral du Bac sur la notion Spaces and exchanges. Je vous demande de l'aide xxx car je passe mon épreuve la semaine prochaine et je commence à stresser. J'aimerais que l'on m'aide à mieux tourner mes phrases si elles ne sont pas bonnes. Je vous remercie de votre aide à l'avance si je trouve réponse à mon problème.
Merci beaucoup, passez une bonne journée/nuit.

The notion I am going to focus is Spaces and exchanges. First of all, I would like to give a definition of this notion. The exchange is a continuous movement or circulation. It includes all type of exchanges : people, trade or media. A society can be approached from the point of view of its cohesion and openness, which raises questions about its place in the world. The geography of commercial channels and networks of influence, but also the discovery and conquest of new land constitute new cultural areas which often transcend the borders of a States. The border which limit two spaces will sometimes seen as a protection against the other or otherwise the opening to a larger space. The space can evolve and take different forms. To deal with this notion, we will focus on the internet.
We may wonder whether what influence does the internet have on today is society ?

Firstly, we will talk about the internet in a global way, then its

For the beginning, there is no denying that the internet is one of the most groundbreaking invention. Now, the internet is considered as the 5 powers. The internet and the social media act like a double edge sword because if it used carefully and propely he is a very powerful tool which contributed to making our lives easier and better. But, if used wrongly, it can have harmful consequennces. It can fall into the wrong hands and become out of control. After this presentation of internet, we will talk about that internet is good thing.

The internet serves the cause of democraty allows people to express themselves, to speak their minds, to gives their opinions, and express their desagreement. citizens use the internet and social media to communicate and spread messages to thousands of people. They can assemble at a moment's notice, can easier take part in activities to protest for causes like « Nuit Debout ». The internet allows people to acquire knowledge about everything thanks to the libraries ansd museums across the world, instant access to the latest news ; preserve and remember our history like interview, pictures, report,archives .It 's can be a means to meet people around the world thanks the social network like Facebook, Twitter. It is also a place where one can buy everything whatever their place of production , rare items.

Finally, if the internet used wrongly, it can be disastrous.
Internet is one of the most dangerous weapons ever created. Indeed, on the internet, everything can happen. Indeed, terrorists use new means of communication, modern way of communication like social media to spreads their ideas, interact with one another and make brainwash and manipulate those who are vulnerable. But isn't the only problem of internet. On the web, your identity can be stolenor your savings can be stolen without anyone breaking into your home. It is a place for mankind to exercise its darkest desires like pornography. Previously we talked about the fact that on internet, we can buy everything like an open market whre you can purchase anything you want like drugs.

At the conclusion, internet has an important place in our society. If internet used carefully, it is a very powerful tool which contributes to making our lives easier and better like conservate and remember our history with articles, archives. But, internet has a double edge sword. Indeed, if used wrongly , it can have detrimenatl consequences like see your pravicy life on internet, someone can stolen your identity or yours informations.

Modifié par lucile83 le 09-05-2016 06:17


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