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Aide récap/ texte
Message de melanie987 posté le 22-05-2016 à 17:04:44 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
J'ai réalisé une petite "récap" d'un texte que nous avons étudié en cours et que je devrai présenter à l'oral. Pouvez-vous relire mon devoir, et éventuellement m'indiquer mes fautes ? s'il vous plait

This set of documents, consisting of one text and a photo, it is an extract from “Broken Music, A Memoir”, written in 2003 by Sting.
The title is "it’s my passion"; the following study will enable us to give the meaning.
In this photo, we can see a singer on stage who plays electric guitar and sings into a microphone, at the same time. The background is somewhat blurry on the right but suggests that there is a large public.
The picture is on whole rather dark, there are just three ceiling lights which illuminate the singer and bring out his face, he’s smiling and seems to be happy.

So, I turn to the text!
There are two characters. The narrator is the talented Sting in his early life, when he was a teacher. He’s talking to his boss who is a Sister. The scene takes place in a school probably a catholic one because characters are in the office of a good sister.
In this passage, we are learning that Sting wants to achieve his goal which is to become a singer and a musician. So, he has decided to quit his current job because he wants to devote more time to following his true passion. In fact, he has realized that his rehearsals (repetitions musicales??) clash with his teaching commitments.
In this extract, he breaks the news to the sister who is surprised by his decision.
Sting explained that teaching is not his life's vocation and he really wants to become a singer. But the sister is puzzled and she couldn't understand how music could be anything more than a hobby. She disapproves of his decision because she's worried about Sting's future but also for his family because he is going to be a father. Therefore the sister tried to make him change his mind but Sting already made his decision.
She’s especially concerned about the financial aspect because singer is not a safe job to her and the salary which goes with it is never regular. On the top of that, sting will lose his pension if he resigns.
Throughout the scene, she objects to the Sting’s decision but nothing works, Sting is decided, as evidenced by the last sentence: "I'm sorry, Sister, it's what I want to do."

Do you want that I give my opinion?
I think Sting made the right decision because he couldn't stay on this way and do two jobs at the same time. For me, it's really important to love his work even if it's risky. It's not conventional at all, he must be fearless. If I were him, I probably would have done the same choice.

Modifié par lucile83 le 22-05-2016 18:02

Réponse: Aide récap/ texte de laure95, postée le 22-05-2016 à 18:56:04 (S | E)
- This set of documents, consisting of one text and a photo, it (enlever it) is an extract from
- The title is "it’s my passion"; the following study will enable us to give the meaning (of it).
- In (on)this photo, we can see a singer on stage who plays (present be+ -ing) (article)electric guitar and sings (idem)
- there is a large public (audience).
- The picture is on (the)whole rather dark,

- So, I turn to the text! : ça ne se dit pas.
- to following: to + infinitif.
- Sting explained (présent)that teaching is not his life's (enlever life's)vocation
- But the sister is puzzled and she couldn't (can't) understand
- Therefore the sister tried (présent) to make
- but Sting already made (present perfect) his decision.
- a safe job to (for)her
- and the salary which goes with it: traduction mot à mot.
- she objects to the (pas de the)Sting’s decision

- Do you want that I give my opinion? : want + pronom complément + to + infinitif
- For me, it's really important to love his (your)work
-It's not conventional at all, he (you)must be fearless.

Réponse: Aide récap/ texte de melanie987, postée le 22-05-2016 à 19:11:01 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide. J'ai effectué quelques changements mais j'ai encore quelques incertitudes, qu'en pensez-vous ?

This set of documents, consisting of one text and a photo, is an extract from “Broken Music, A Memoir”, written in 2003 by Sting.
The title is "it’s my passion"; the following study will enable us to give the meaning of it.
On this photo, we can see a singer on stage who is playing an electric guitar and singing into a microphone, at the same time. The background is somewhat blurry on the right but suggests that there is a large audience.
The picture is on the whole rather dark, there are just three ceiling lights which illuminate the singer and bring out his face, he’s smiling and seems to be happy.

So, I turn to the text! (une variante à l'oral ? je veux dire : bon, maintenant je passe au texte !)
There are two characters. The narrator is the talented Sting in his early life, when he was a teacher. He’s talking to his boss who is a Sister. The scene takes place in a school probably a catholic one because characters are in the office of a good sister.
In this passage, we are learning that Sting wants to achieve his goal which is to become a singer and a musician. So, he has decided to quit his current job because he wants to devote more time to follow his true passion. In fact, he has realized that his rehearsals (repetitions musicales??) clash with his teaching commitments.
In this extract, he breaks the news to the sister who is surprised by his decision.
Sting explains that teaching is not his vocation and he really wants to become a singer. But the sister is puzzled and she can't understand how music could be anything more than a hobby. She disapproves of his decision because she's worried about Sting's future but also for his family because he is going to be a father. Therefore the sister tries to make him change his mind but Sting has already made his decision.
She’s especially concerned about the financial aspect because singer is not a safe job for her and the salary which goes with (je ne sais pas comment exprimer cela : le salaire qui va avec ?) it is never regular. On the top of that, sting will lose his pension if he resigns.
Throughout the scene, she objects to Sting’s decision but nothing works, Sting is decided, as evidenced by the last sentence: "I'm sorry, Sister, it's what I want to do."

Would you like my opinion ?
I think Sting made the right decision because he couldn't stay on this way and do two jobs at the same time. For me, it's really important to love your work even if it's risky. It's not conventional at all, you must be fearless. If I were him, I probably would have done the same choice.

Réponse: Aide récap/ texte de here4u, postée le 23-05-2016 à 11:51:39 (S | E)
Hello !

This set of documents, consisting of one text and a photo, is an extract from “Broken Music, A Memoir”, written in 2003 by Sting.
The title is "it’s my passion"; the following study will enable us to give the meaning of it.
On this photo, we can see a singer on stage who is playing an electric guitar and singing into a microphone, at the same time. The background is somewhat blurry on the right but suggests that there is a large audience.
The picture is (on the whole: I'd start the sentence with this ...) rather dark, there are just three ceiling lights which illuminate the singer and bring out his face, he’s smiling and seems to be happy.

So(Well now, I'll deal with the text/now, let's see/study/now, let's comment on the text... ou n'importe quoi de "naturel", mais pas "so", qui implique une conséquence !), I turn to the text! (une variante à l'oral ? je veux dire : bon, maintenant je passe au texte !)
There are two characters. The narrator is the talented Sting in his early life, when he was a teacher. He’s talking to his boss who is(happens to be) a Sister. The scene takes place in a school probably a catholic one because characters are in the office of a good sister.
In this passage, we are learning that Sting wants to achieve his goal which is to become a singer and a musician. So, he has decided to quit his current job because he wants to devote more time to follow his true passion. In fact, he has realized that his rehearsals (repetitions musicales??yes! ) clash with his teaching commitments.
In this extract, he breaks the news to the sister who is surprised by his decision.
Sting explains that teaching is not his vocation/calling and that he really wants to become a singer. But the sister is puzzled and she can't understand how music could be anything more than a hobby. She disapproves of his decision because she's worried about Sting's future but also for his family because he is going to be a father. Therefore the sister tries to (talk him /into changing his mind/out of singing)make him change his mind but Sting has already made his decision.(le présent de narration me gêne!)
She’s especially concerned about the financial aspect because XXXXX X singer is not a safe job for her and the salary which goes withchercher en employant un verbe + ing (je ne sais pas comment exprimer cela : le salaire qui va avec ?) it is never regular. On the top of that, sting will lose his pension if he resigns.
Throughout the scene, she objects to Sting’s decision but nothing works, Sting is decided, as evidenced by the last sentence: "I'm sorry, Sister, it's what I want to do."

Would you like my opinion ?
I think Sting made the right decision because he couldn't stay on this wayboff... and do two jobs at the same time. For me, it's really important to love your work even if it's risky. It's not conventional at all, you must be fearless. If I were him, I probably would have done the same choice.

Sorry if I didn't answer more quickly... I'm both ill and swamped with work...


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