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Notion/The idea of progress

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Notion/The idea of progress
Message de margaux18 posté le 23-12-2016 à 13:29:37 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
j'ai rédigé ma notion d'anglais pour le Bac "The idea of progress". Cependant, j'ai dû faire des fautes que j'aimerais corriger avec votre aide. Si vous pouvez m'aider ce serait génial s'il vous plaît!
Voilà ma notion et merci d'avance :

We are going to deal with the notion The idea of progress. To begin with, I would like to give a definition of the notion. The progress is an improvement, a development, which contributes to improve our life. The idea of progress implies evolutions and changes in our way of life. A progress can be social, environmental, technological, but also scientific. During our century, the principal’s progresses were in the field of science. So, we can wonder if the discoveries of the past few years will be an answer to Mankind’s need in the future? Firstly, we are going to focus on the biotechnologies, and secondly we will wonder if the science help feed both today’s world and tomorrow’s world.

To begin, I think that researches on stem cells seem quite encouraging. We studied the importance of the research on stem cells at Oregon Science and health university. It’s a method for converting human skin cells into embryonic stem cells. If we master the process of making any type of cells become stem cells, that can help any body parts to recover or regenerate. Furthermore, there wouldn’t be any rejection from the donor since the donor and the patient will be the same person. To reach that goal, when they take skin cells from the donor, they remove the DNA from an egg cell and then, the skin cells are inserted in the membrane of the egg cell. The hope of the scientists is to transplant them into a dysfunctional organ so that it returns to a normal state of health.

In addition, in the past and up to now, some research has proven their efficiency. For example, we can talk about facial surgery. It can allow people to get a human face back and to retrieve their identity. However, we have to care about the after effects which might go too far.

Science and biotechnologies also raise moral issues because of the possibilities they give to people. We saw in class in a press article from The Mercury News written by Heather Somerville that the society 23andMe created in 2006 do gene mapping thanks to saliva samples of people. They mail testing kits that people can use on their own. They aim at finding potential diseases such as Parkinson’s. Thus, they will be able to do a tremendous amount of discovery into the possible genetic causes of ailments. But the company is building a huge database. It sells data to other companies but there is no guarantee people’s privacy is not exposed. Users have no idea where their own genetic information will end up. What if banks get their hand on it and find out about you thanks to the crossing of information? They could refuse you a load.

In another way, we still wonder if the science help feed both today’s world and tomorrow’s world.

First off, the importance and the speed of the discoveries about genetic develop a lot of questions. In 1983, Belgian scientists have created the first genetically modified tobacco. So, people hoped that this new generation of plants has great effects in their life. In 1994, other species of plants genetically modified are commercialized.
Genetically Modified Organisms, (GMO) are modified plants, seeds, vegetables. Scientists used the gene transfer technique to provide existing plants with new characteristics or to create new varieties. That could allow a plant to become virus-resistant, or to protect it from bugs or insects without using pesticides. They permit to improve farmers’ production. In addition, you would be allowed to improve the quality, the size or the taste of the products. They can be a solution to fight against hunger in the world. Furthermore, governmental regulatory agencies agree that good grown with GMO crops is safe to eat and there is no risk. GMO’s are a revolution for the agriculture because it allows to produce more food for a population which grows every day.

But, on another way, GMO labelling isn’t mandatory in the USA and their might be some health issues.
As for now, we haven’t any blowback to evaluate the side effects of GMO’S o the human body. Nevertheless, the drawbacks on the environment are tremendous. It causes specie to disappear. They are hazardous for human health and they can trigger cancers. We could find a better solution, a better distribution of wealth so that all countries access healthy locally grown products. Finally, we can’t trust GMOs.

To conclude, biotechnologies and GMOs have a considerable position in our society. Both have good points and drawbacks. So, they have limits.
In my opinion, we can answer the problematic by saying that a part of the discoveries of the past few years have proven their efficacies and they can be an answer to mankind’s need, whereas, other discoveries have to prove their qualities.

Modifié par lucile83 le 26-12-2016 21:58

Réponse : Notion/The idea of progress de margaux18, postée le 26-12-2016 à 21:31:53 (S | E)
Si quelqu'un pouvait m'aider, ça me serait grandement utile, merci beaucoup


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