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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de kingcobra posté le 19-01-2017 à 16:19:20 (S | E | F)
je vais avoir mon épreuve d'ETLV (Enseignement Technologique en Langue Vivante) et j'aimerais vous demander s'il y a des fautes dans mon texte que ça ce soit des fautes d’orthographe ou bien des fautes de formulation de phrase.
Merci de votre aide

Voici le texte en question:
Hello, my name is Nicolas I am 18 and I'm gonna present my PTA. The subject is to prove saliva is antimicrobial or not.
Firstly to prove that we will do two different manipulation.
The first manipulation consists to do an inoculation and the second manipulation consists to use a spectrophotometric method. After that we will do a Biuret test in order to measure the total concentration of total protein.
To prove the three manipulation we will compare the saliva of people of three different ages. There will be, saliva of child, teenager, and adult people. In addition to this there will be dog saliva to compare the human saliva and the animal saliva. For all the manipulation we need to have a lab coat and work in sterile conditions.
In the first manipulation, we will isolate one strain of Staphylococcus and one strain of Saccharomyces in differents Petri dish. In two other Petri dish we will add the child's saliva. Finally, we will do an inoculation and we will compare the different Petri dish. We will repeat this manipulation with the other saliva.
In the second manipulation we will use a spectrophotometric method. In different tank we will firstly introduce the Staphylococcus. In addition of that, we will introduce the other saliva. We will place the different tank in the spectrophotometer and we will analyse the results. We will repeat this manipulation with the Saccharomyces.
In the last manipulation, we will use the Biuret test. To do this test we will introduce in different hemolysis tube, the child's saliva. In addition of that we will introduce the physiologic serum and the biuret reagent and we will observe the hemolysis tube, if we have no change, proteins are not present and if the solution turns from blue to violet proteins are present. More it's dark and more there are proteins. Finnaly, we will observe the result with the spectrophotometer. We will repeat this operation with the other saliva.

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-01-2017 22:15

Réponse : Correction/ETLV de gerondif, postée le 19-01-2017 à 23:08:17 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert.

Hello, my name is Nicolas I am 18 and I'm gonna present(trop familier, ce gonna, ce n'est pas un texte de rap!) my PTA(Qu'est-ce ? ). The subject(j'aurais plutôt mis the object of the test is to show if....) is to prove (si on met to prove, on ne peut pas mettre or not. Ou alors on met ce que j'ai donné en exemple avec show)dit saliva is antimicrobial or not.
Firstly(inutile, il n'y a pas de deuxiènement dans votre démonstration) to prove that we will do two different manipulationpluriel, s'il y en a 2).
The first manipulation consists to do (to consist in + ing)an inoculation and the second manipulation consists to use (idem)a spectrophotometric method. After that we will do a Biuret test in order to measure the total concentration of total protein(pluriel?).
To prove the three manipulation(pluriel) we will compare the saliva of people of three different ages. There will be faites 3 noms composés child saliva, teenager saliva adult saliva)saliva of child, teenager, and adult people. In addition to this there will be dog saliva to compare the human saliva and the animal saliva. For(for signifie pendant avec une donnée chiffrée, for 3 weeks, ici, il faut during) all the (alors all the manipulations signifie toutes les expériences, les 3 , alors que the whole manipulatin signifie "du début à la fin de cette manipulation, pendant toute LA manipulation") manipulation we need to have a lab coat and to work in sterile conditions.
In the first manipulation, we will isolate one strain of Staphylococcus and one strain of Saccharomyces in differents(adjectif invariable) Petri dish(pluriel). In two other Petri dish(pluriel) we will add the child's saliva. Finally, we will do an inoculation and we will compare the different Petri dish(pluriel). We will repeat this manipulation with the other saliva (pluriel?).
In the second manipulation we will use a spectrophotometric method. In different tank(pluriel) we will firstly introduce the Staphylococcus. In addition of that, we will introduce the other saliva(singulier ? pluriel?). We will place the different tank(pluriel) in the spectrophotometer and we will analyse the results. We will repeat this manipulation with the Saccharomyces.
In the last manipulation, we will use the Biuret test. To do this test we will introduce the child's saliva (changement de place) in different hemolysis tube(pluriel). In addition of that we will introduce the physiologic serum and the biuret reagent and we will observe the hemolysis tube, if we have no change, proteins are not present and if the solution turns from blue to violet proteins are present. More it's dark and more there are proteins.(structure à revoir: exemple inverse: the lighter it is , the fewer proteins there are) Finnaly, we will observe the result with the spectrophotometer. We will repeat this operation with the other saliva (pluriel?).


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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