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Myths and Heroes/Bac

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Myths and Heroes/Bac
Message de cam64 posté le 21-04-2017 à 15:13:41 (S | E | F)
Ayant fini ma notion "myths and heroes", j'aimerais qu'on la corrige s'il vous plait.
Merci d'avance pour votre aide !

I am going to talk about the notion “Myths and Heroes”
First of all, I want to define this notion :
A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief, tradition or a false notion. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his or her achievements.
I will focus on a founding myth of the American Nation. American dream is today a myth or a reality ?
First, I will say that the American Dream is characterized by the idea of an America full of promises and very attractive.
The first document I have chosen is a recording that talks about the Mexican migrants whose live today in America. It is the recording of a radio program named “New Horizon”. Alejandro Perez, a Mexican immigrant presents his life in United States. First of all, he says that he is from the outskirts of Mexico City. He left his wife and his children because he wanted to find the American dream, to give family better living conditions, salaries and education for his kids. In United States, his wage have been up to ten times. Besides, he speaks about the life expectancy in the US, it’s more longer indeed. People live four years older because there was better medical facilities. Alejandro doesn’t have idealized America. It is as the same level that he would be.
The text named “Facing Reality”, from the book Texas of James Michener, illustrate the very dangerous aspect of the US-Border. Twenty illegal immigrants want to cross the border. So, they pay smugglers to be transported. Them who wanted to earn a lot effortlessly simulate a breakdown to abandon immigrants in the desert. Left to their own devices, without water, all Mexicans die. This text reveals that migrants are ready to start a new life in America by all means. Even if the trip is perilous or fatal, Mexican try to cross the border. Even if, danger lurks them, immigrants are always attract by America.
The last document is an extract from the book The Tortilla Curtain by T.C Boyle. The two characters are illegal Mexican immigrants, América and Candido. América was given an address for a job in Los Angeles. She would climb up the rungs of the social ladder and become well-off contrary to his current life. But when she tries to find this job of sewing, separate of Candido, reality dawned on her: it doesn’t exist. She is desperate. At last, after walking all day, scared, hungry and thirsty, she found Candido dead, lying on the ground. This story debunks the myth of American Dream because all the troubles come down on her : she is an undocumented alien, a foreigner in an unknown country.

To conclude, I will simply say that the American Dream stay a reality for some people. But it gradually becomes a myth, because of the evolution of the country. Even if some Mexican immigrants are well received in United States, it is not the case of all. Illegal migrants come up with difficulties. Personnaly, I think that immigration can develop economic of a country.

Modifié par lucile83 le 22-04-2017 15:22

Réponse : Myths and Heroes/Bac de laure95, postée le 22-04-2017 à 18:07:39 (S | E)
- American dream is today a myth or a reality ?: revoir structure d'une question.

- a recording that talks about: un enregistrement ne parle pas, mais traite d'un sujet.
- the Mexican migrants whose (whose = dont)live today in America.
- (article) United States.
- to find (pour réussir pas pour trouver un rêve) the American dream, to give (mettre un possessif)family
- (article) education.
- In United States,
- his wage(s) have been up to ten times.
- it’s more longer: revoir le comparatif.
- there was better medical facilities: there was +singulier.
- Alejandro doesn’t have idealized: mal conjugué.
- It is as the same level that (pas le bon mot ici) he would be.
- The text named “Facing Reality”, from the book Texas of James Michener, illustrate (faute de conjugaison)
-Them who wanted
- immigrants are always attract (participe passé) by America.
- become well-off contrary to his (pas le bon possessif) current life.
- separate (aprticipe passé)of (pas la bonne préposition)Candido,
- This story debunks the myth of(article) American Dream
- because all the troubles (pas de s)come down on her

- To conclude, I will simply say that the American Dream stay (pas le bon mot ici + faute de conjugaison)
- But it gradually becomes a myth:mettre au present perfect.
- in United States,
- it is not the case of (pas la bonne préposition) all.
- immigration can develop economic (= économique pas économie)of a country.

Réponse : Myths and Heroes/Bac de cam64, postée le 23-04-2017 à 13:29:21 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide,
Cependant il faut mettre quelle préposition après "case" ?

Réponse : Myths and Heroes/Bac de kazwell, postée le 23-04-2017 à 14:36:22 (S | E)
L'expression que tu veux utiliser est :
Ce n'est pas du tout le cas
Tu as écrit
it is not the case of all.

In this case , just use google translation (don't rely on it , just for reference) and compare it to laure's remarks , and there's your answer.


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