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Oral/Lieux Formes de pouvoir
Message de winni92 posté le 22-04-2017 à 14:54:57 (S | E | F)
Bonjour ,
je vais bientôt passer mon épreuve d'oral d'anglais .
J'aimerais bien qu'on me corrige et qu'on me donne des avis sur ma synthèse "Lieux et formes de pouvoir ".
Merci pour vos réponses.

I am going to talk about the notion « Places and forms of power ». First let me give you a quick defintion of power. Power is the ability to exercise control on somebody or on a group. It's a force that can be used in many ways , with violence or without , by a group, a government or how we saw in class , by simple individuals. Power is not necessarily represented by a symbolic place, and leaders who owns it are not always honest. Unfortunately they may abuse their power and corrupt others. That's why in this case there may be serious consequences. So througt the example of sect, we can raise the following question :To what extent mind control techniques constitutes an abuse of power ?

Last year we studied the power of words with Jim Jone's last speech to the people's temple in November 1978. A speech that led to the collective suicide of 1200 cultists. In fact, the US constitution guarantees freedom of religion which allowed the preacher Jim Jones to create his own church (or sect) in California. It's likely The followers joined the sect because they were vulnerable people. So If they had been well intragrated into American society , they wouldn't have been looking for a father substitute. One day he told his community that the end of the world was near for them to consent to go in Guyana Jungle and build JonesTown.When the Congressman Leo Ryan came to investigate, they shot him. Jim jones pronounced a speech whose words were carefully chosen into commiting suicide by drinking poison what he called a revolutionnary act. Along the speech, he mentioned the poison as a medecine potion and he kept repeating three personnal pronoms especially we, I and They. He used « we » in order to make them feel they are a close-knit community. It makes it difficult for people to impose their ideas and react as individual. He used «I know » to show people that he has the knowlegde of what will happened. Lastly, to evoke the ennemy ,he used «They » without ever specifying who they are in order to give the feeling that danger was everywhere. So people felt powerless and took refuge under their leader. We can note that Jim Jones whos was a good speaker abused his power by brainwashing his credulous followers.

Beside we studied the case of Heaven's Gate which was an American sect based in San Diego and led by Marshall Applewhite and Bonnie Nettles. The members are the most recent victims of charismatics messiahs who claim that group suicide leads to spirituals rewards. Throught rituals and ceremonies Applewhite and Nettles taught their followers that they were extraterrestrials. They modified this conception in order to allow the group to erasing their own human identity. They persuade gullibles people to give away all their posessions, their children and join God aboard a spaceship. The leaders abused their power and endoctrinated their followers.

To conclude mind controle techniques constitutes an abuse of power because it removes all form of lucidity from the victims and are used for malicious goals. Because of it leaders can manipulate credulous people as they want and controle their every move.

Modifié par lucile83 le 22-04-2017 15:14

Réponse : Oral/Lieux Formes de pouvoir de laure95, postée le 22-04-2017 à 18:23:57 (S | E)
-and leaders who owns (faute de conjugaions)it are not always honest.
-througt: orthographe.
- To what extent mind control techniques constitutes an abuse of power ?: revoir struture d'une question.

- In fact, the US constitution guarantees (the)freedom of religion
- So If they had been well intragrated into (article)American society ,
- to go in (pas la bonne préposition)Guyana Jungle
- by drinking poison what (that) he called a revolutionnary act.
- He used « we » in order to make them feel they are (passé)a close-knit community.
- It makes (passé) it difficult for people to impose their ideas and react as individual.
- He used «I know » to show people that he has (passé)the knowlegde
- what will happened: will + infinitif.
- specifying who they are (passé) in order to give the feeling that danger was everywhere.

- Twho claim that (article)group suicide leads to spirituals rewards.
- Throught
- to erasing: to + infinitif.
- They persuade (passé)gullibles people

-To conclude mind controle techniques constitutes (faute de conjugaison)an abuse
- their every move (movement).


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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