Charlie ___ was an English actor. |
Réponse : Chaplin |
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Autres questions du test "Acteurs - Réalisateurs (En anglais)" : [Autres tests sur le même thème]
1) Who played the part of the first 'Godfather' by F. F. Coppola? [???]
2) Who directed 'The Birds', 'Psycho' and 'North by Northwest'? [???]
3) Charlie ___ was an English actor.
4) This comic film tells the story of a workman in modern factory, what is it called? [???]
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6) He directed 'Jaws', what's his name? [???]
7) Who is the director of 'Star Wars'? [???]
8) Which American city is famous for its Studios? [???]
9) He is an American soldier in Normandy during the second world war in Steven Spielberg's film, what's his first name? [???]
10) She played in 'Some like it hot' and 'A seven year hitch' she was very sexy, she died young, who was she? [???]
11) It's the name of a very famous film about the Vietnam War, which film is it? [???]
12) This actor was a cow boy in many westerns, what was his name? [???]
Page "Charlie ___ was an English actor. Chaplin" créée d'après les informations fournies par le membre le 31-08-2007 [Signaler un problème] [Autres questions]