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Culture générale > Cinéma - Genres (en anglais)

People who are keen on them are likely to enjoy the 'Star Wars' saga because it takes place in space and it is full of robots and strange creatures.___

Réponse : science fiction films

Une question du test : "Cinéma - Genres (en anglais)"
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Autres questions du test "Cinéma - Genres (en anglais)" : [Autres tests sur le même thème]
What's a film genre ? A genre is a generic category for classifying films according to shared themes, styles and narrative structures (examples : westerns, dramas, comedies). However, some films are difficult to categorize. We can mention the 'Gremlins' film, for instance. It is regarded as being a fantasy film, but there are lots of horrific ingredients in it. And it also manages to combine horror with comedy. It is a family classic.       In the list below, each film belongs to a specific genre... Which one ?
1) 'Dracula, Prince of Darkness' is an old film in which Christopher Lee plays the part of a legendary vampire. And it makes your flesh creep ! It is [???]
2) People who are keen on them are likely to enjoy the 'Star Wars' saga because it takes place in space and it is full of robots and strange creatures.___
3) 'First Blood' is the first 'Rambo' film. There are lots of violent fight scenes in it. It is [???]
4) 'Dante's Peak' is a film about a small town threatened by a volcano. It is [???]
5) The 'Pretty Woman' film is regarded as being a modern fairy tale because it is an improbable love story between a rich businessman and a prostitute. It is [???]
6) 'Grease' is a film including a lot of songs and dance routines. A great number of people have seen it on the screen or on the stage. It is [???]
7) 'Philadelphia' is a film dealing with AIDS and gay issues. It is a very moving [???]
8) 'The Longest Day' is a film about the events of D-Day, that is to say the invasion of Normandy in June 1944. It is [???]
9) The first 'Dirty Harry' film came out in the early 70's. It depicts the life of a police inspector who wants justice at all costs. It is [???]
10) The 'Quo Vadis' film focuses on the burning of Rome and the persecution of the Christians by the Emperor Nero. It lasts nearly 3 hours. It is [???]

Page "People who are keen on them are likely to enjoy the 'Star Wars' saga because it takes place in space and it is full of robots and strange creatures.___ science fiction films" créée d'après les informations fournies par le membre le 21-09-2007 [Signaler un problème] [Autres questions]

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