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Culture générale > Cinéma - Genres (en anglais)

'Philadelphia' is a film dealing with AIDS and gay issues. It is a very moving ___

Réponse : drama

Une question du test : "Cinéma - Genres (en anglais)"
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Autres questions du test "Cinéma - Genres (en anglais)" : [Autres tests sur le même thème]
What's a film genre ? A genre is a generic category for classifying films according to shared themes, styles and narrative structures (examples : westerns, dramas, comedies). However, some films are difficult to categorize. We can mention the 'Gremlins' film, for instance. It is regarded as being a fantasy film, but there are lots of horrific ingredients in it. And it also manages to combine horror with comedy. It is a family classic.       In the list below, each film belongs to a specific genre... Which one ?
1) 'Dracula, Prince of Darkness' is an old film in which Christopher Lee plays the part of a legendary vampire. And it makes your flesh creep ! It is [???]
2) People who are keen on them are likely to enjoy the 'Star Wars' saga because it takes place in space and it is full of robots and strange creatures.[???]
3) 'First Blood' is the first 'Rambo' film. There are lots of violent fight scenes in it. It is [???]
4) 'Dante's Peak' is a film about a small town threatened by a volcano. It is [???]
5) The 'Pretty Woman' film is regarded as being a modern fairy tale because it is an improbable love story between a rich businessman and a prostitute. It is [???]
6) 'Grease' is a film including a lot of songs and dance routines. A great number of people have seen it on the screen or on the stage. It is [???]
7) 'Philadelphia' is a film dealing with AIDS and gay issues. It is a very moving ___
8) 'The Longest Day' is a film about the events of D-Day, that is to say the invasion of Normandy in June 1944. It is [???]
9) The first 'Dirty Harry' film came out in the early 70's. It depicts the life of a police inspector who wants justice at all costs. It is [???]
10) The 'Quo Vadis' film focuses on the burning of Rome and the persecution of the Christians by the Emperor Nero. It lasts nearly 3 hours. It is [???]

Page "'Philadelphia' is a film dealing with AIDS and gay issues. It is a very moving ___ drama" créée d'après les informations fournies par le membre le 21-09-2007 [Signaler un problème] [Autres questions]

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