By the way, what is her secret to charm all the boys ? ___ |
Réponse : Her grandmother was a Veela |
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Autres questions du test "Harry Potter (1 à 6)- (anglais)" : [Autres tests sur le même thème]
Voici un questionnaire de Harry Potter en anglais, si vous voulez trouver un peu plus de piment à l'exercice ! Il n'est pas nécessaire d'avoir lu les livres en anglais pour faire ce test (par contre, les avoir lus en français est vivement conseillé...) Tous les termes spécifiques à la VO ont été traduits, et les questions reposent surtout sur la connaissance de l'histoire. Des explications en français seront disponibles sur la page des résultats. Amusez-vous bien !
1) How many firstnames does Dumbledore have ? [???]
2) What is the name of Harry's uncle ? [???]
3) How many children do the Weasleys have ? [???]
4) By the way, who is the first-born ? [???]
5) What is an Horcrux ? [???]
6) And what are Dementors? [???]
7) Hippogriffs, beautiful creatures... What animals do they come from ? [???]
8) What do you need to see the Thestrals (Sombrals) ? [???]
9) Who is Harry's girlfriend at the end of the 6th book ? [???]
10) Where does Hagrid hide his wand ? [???]
11) When does the first book begin ? [???]
12) When was Remus Lupin bitten ? [???]
13) Who will Fleur Delacour marry ? [???]
14) By the way, what is her secret to charm all the boys ? ___
15) Why is Filch so angry all the time ? [???]
16) In which book Harry does NOT confront Voldemort ? [???]
17) Where does the name 'Voldemort' come from? [???]
18) What does he need to have a new body at the end of the fourth book ? [???]
19) Who is the first 'ghost' who comes from his wand ? [???]
20) Is Harry younger or older than Dudley ? [???]
Page "By the way, what is her secret to charm all the boys ? ___ Her grandmother was a Veela" créée d'après les informations fournies par le membre le 14-12-2006 [Signaler un problème] [Autres questions]